Student Union Elections

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Students' Union Elections to Choose the Committee's Head Students and their Assistants

University students have participated in voting in the Student Union Elections for two days at Faculty level. On Sunday, December 1, 2019 elections took place for seven committees:

·   Sports Activity Committee

·   The Social Activity and Excursion Committee

·    Cultural Activity Committee

·    Technical Activity Committee

·     Families Activity Committee

·     Mobile and Public Service Committee

·     The Scientific Activity and Technology Committee

On Monday, December 2, 2019, elections took place to choose the president and vice-president of the Student Union in each faculty. Faculties' elections were supervised by the dean of each Faculty, the Faculty's Vice-Dean for Education and Students Affairs, the youth Welfare Representative and a specialist from the Youth Welfare Administration. The names of the winning students in each college were announced shortly.


Committee elections were held on Wednesday December 4, 2019 in the VIP Hall, 3rd floor, University Hospital.