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Mission, Vision and Objectives


Human Rights Committee (HCR) seeks to implement an integrated approach to promote, respect and protect all the principles of human rights at the Faculty of Languages and Translation for their reflection on the external community.                    


Human Rights Committee (HCR) at the Faculty of Languages and Translation sets a clear mission for protecting and promoting all the rights of its students and employees through spreading its culture, monitoring its status, providing advice and assistance for those in need, and taking significant procedures to remove the effects of complaints related to the violation of their rights. HCR also seeks to identify good practices in the field of academic education and prepare related studies and research using available means


1.     Awareness of the services of the Human Rights Committee.

2.     Activating awareness and spreading the values and principles of human rights among students.

3.     Supervising the faculty’s activities related to the fields of human rights and promoting good practices in academic education.

4.     Supervising students’ competitions related to human rights internally and externally.

5.     Preparing periodic reports on the activities of human rights and submitting them to the O6U Central HCR.

6.     Taking necessary executive and institutional procedures to enhance the implementation and enforcement of human rights on the ground.

7.     Providing information, holding seminars and training courses, managing campaigns, announcing positions, issuing statements and publications, and reviewing its related rules and by-laws.