Languages & Translation

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Mission, Vision and Objectives



The Library Committee strives to provide the necessary support for the educational process to develop the capabilities of students, members of staff, and teaching assistants academically and personally to address the challenges that hinder their academic progress and their research skills


The Library Committee has set for itself a clear mission to adhere to the programs set by the faculty and so update the courses with the latest references necessary for the educational process in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs in pursuit of achieving a distinguished university environment based on knowledge and science


1.     Organizing regular visits for faculty students to the university library (SOUL).

2.     Raising awareness among faculty students, members of staff, and teaching assistants about the nature of the library, its items and the searching process.

3.     Organizing workshops on how to use the Egyptian Knowledge Bank and international databases within the framework of international publication efforts.

4.     Following up on providing the library with the latest references.

5.     Publishing lists of library databases.

6.     Urging students to recognise the difference between electronic and non-electronic educational sources.

7.     Surveying the book requirements of stakeholders to purchase them.

8.     Preparing lists of recommended books to purchase to fulfil the needs of educational programs.