First place for Huawei Academy - 6th of October University at the level of Egyptian universities

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First place for Huawei Academy - 6th of October University at the level of Egyptian universities
The Huawei Academy at the University of October 6 won the first place among the Egyptian public and private universities as the best performance for an academy in the (Live Bootcamp) program, with a total of (6860) points from 6/28/2020 to 31/8/2020.
-A number of faculty members and the assisting staff have been qualified during the first and second phases 
-(267) students from October 6 University were qualified to take the international exam.
-Teaching Assistant / Nada Maher won the fourth place as the best Huawei certified teacher for the Artificial Intelligence Program. It is a training program provided by Huawei International for Huawei certified teachers and students at the level of all universities in which the Huawei Academy was established, under the supervision of the accredited academies directors.