Important announcement for military education Students enrolled in the second Course

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 Important announcement for military education Students enrolled in the second Course on August 12, 2020

You must visit the university's website to find out the links of the following: (research. Lectures. Tests)
Visit the link to check the following :
The rules of writing a research. Students should send the research no later than Thursday, August.13, 2020 at 3:00p.m .
The research must be submitted in Pdf format .
The following information must be included within the research
• Student name
• University name
• student ID
• the faculty
• The level of the student
• the national number
• The Course dates .
Identical research will be rejected and repeated. If the previous rules are not followed, the research will not be accepted. There are five lectures, one lecture per-day from Saturday, August 8 to Wednesday, August 2020. The deadline of the final test is on Tuesday, August-8, 2020 from 5:00pm to 2:00"P M, for one hour only .
To pass the course, it is required to send the research and perform the test. The course will be cancelled unless the previous rules are achieved. The research is examined by means of a plagiarism detector, provided the percentage of quoting or Scientific theft which does not have to exceed 50% of the submitted research .
Please, open the links mentioned in the university’s e-learning website on the first day of the course to ensure that the student can access them. If some students cannot open the link, they must communicate with IT department to solve the problem to ensure that the research is sent before
The deadline dates. Open the final test link before the time of the final test to make sure that you can open the link of the test .
There is no retesting of the test in case that the Student cannot open the link on the time of the test