The special unit Courses and agreements with third parties:

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 1.  A training course provided by Ultimate Academy to faculty members as a training on ONYX Pro accounting systems in September 2020

 2. English language development course for college students.
3. Free courses offered by Ultimate Academy as training on ONYX Pro accounting systems (online) for students who enrolled in a course entitled Introduction to E-Marketing from November 19, 2020 to January 4, 2021
4. The unit cooperated with QNB Al Ahli Bank in a free awareness campaign for students about financial education on the importance of financial services on 3/23/2021
5. Nomination of 10 students for the grant of the IMA Institute, which is responsible for granting the CMA certificate, which is an international professional certificate granted to students of the Accounting Department in order to assist students in obtaining international certificates to raise their scientific level and link them to the practical side.
6. The nominated students were accepted and obtained the membership of the IMA Institute and the scholarship for the CMA, and they also obtained the scientific material for the scholarship without any compensation.