A fruitful scientific day for the continuing education unit of Faculty of Dentistry

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 An amazing long scientific day with the brilliant Prof. Dr. Hassan Selim

22-11-2021, VIP Hall, October 6 University
Pain in Endodontics; Diagnosis and Management:
- Physiology of the dental pulp
- Pain in Endodontics
- Endodontic Diagnosis
- Endodontic flare ups
- Pain Management
The event was done under the supervision of the faculty dean Prof. Dr. Yehia Elbaghdady and the vice deans Prof. Dr. Mohsen Abi El Hasaan and Prof. Dr. Ahmed Gamal and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hadil Sabry
It was organized  and arranged by the continuing education unit with the lead of  Prof. Dr. Yousra Nashaat and Assis. Lect. Dr. Amira Lotfy
A remarkable number of attendees were there from the faculty interns, graduates& dentists from other dental schools with the application of social distances rules ,all showed their great satisfaction and noticeable benefit from the scientific content and proper organization