Essam Yousef, the author of the novel " Quarter Gram" was the keynote speaker of the literary gathering that took place at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, on Monday, 6 December 2010. He held a discussion with the students related to his most acclaimed and realistic novel "Quarter Gram", an honest though a horrific account of Egypt's drug world. Mr. Yousef, focused, in his discussion, on the true events of Salah's life, the narrator of the novel, and one of the tragic group of five friends, who managed to recover from drug addiction, when he firmly decided to allow himself to be admitted into a rehab clinic. Mr. Yousef also talked about the film adaptation of his first novel, which is scheduled to be released in 2011. The students revealed great interest in the novel, and raised many questions concerning the number of drug abusers in Egypt. The meeting was both stimulating and enlightening.