Key Elements Governing October 6 University (O6U) Work on Sustainability:
In its practices, operations and activities, O6U is aligning with some key elements and principles derived from UN principles and the SDG's. The following elements and principles figure prominently:
§ The Earth is warming at a faster rate than ever before and humans have played a major role in the change. Temperature change is not the most severe aspect of climate change. It is also causing the ice to melt in the Arctic, droughts in the Sahel (South of the Sahara), wildfires, and concerns of energy shortages.
§ Climate change will cause global instability. These disruptions will burden civilian and military institutions around the world. Unprecedented economic growth, coupled with more people will put pressure on the world's resources particularly energy, food and water. Weak states risk failure or increased regional tensions from the inability to cope with sudden shocks (such as droughts and long-term stresses (such as decreased agricultural yields).
§ O6U renews its commitment to sustainable development and to ensuring the promotion of an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable future for our planet and for present and future generations.
§ The vision and mission of O6U seek to mainstream sustainable development at all levels, integrating economic, social cultural and environmental aspects recognizing their interlinkages (principle of multi and interdisciplinarity) so as to contribute in achieving sustainable development in all its dimensions based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) with a view to promote and achieve sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection by 2030 to benefit all.
§ The protection, survival and development of children to their full potential, including through education.
§ The importance of freedom, peace and security, respect for all human rights, including the right to development and the right to an adequate standard of living, including the right to food, rule of law, gender equality, women empowerment and the overall commitment to just and democratic societies for development.
§ O6U is engaged in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in many ways notably in:
- Education on topics related to the UNGC.
- Dissemination of the UNGC principles.
- Lending capacity to the UNGC local network (LN) or the UNGC office.
§ O6U is committed to embracing, integrating and incorporating sustainability issues in operations and curricula.
Focus is given on some thematic tracks such as:
- energy and climate
- water and ecosystems
- social development
- economics and finance of sustainable development
- women empowerment
- good governance
- children's rights
- transition to green economy
§ In addition to that the Faculty of Economics and Management of O6U is committed to incorporating sustainability issues into teaching, research and its own management and university activities. It is to be noted here that the Faculty of Economics and Management has signed on to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) along with over 600 leading business schools and management-related academic institutions from more than 80 countries across the world.
§ O6U strongly believes that academia plays an important role in shaping future business leaders and educating them on the importance of responsible management and leadership.
§ O6U is resolved to align operations and strategies with the 10 universally accepted principles in the central areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti - corruption, and take action in support of UN goals and issues embodied in the SDG's.
§ Human sustainability means maintaining human capital. The health, education, skills, knowledge, leadership and access to services constitute human capital. Investment in education, health, and nutrition of individuals has become accepted as part of economic development.
promoting maternal health and nutrition, safe birthing and infant and early childhood care fosters the start of human sustainability.
§Sustainable Tourism is potentially one of the most important vehicles for promoting peace among the people of the world. It brings people together through the understanding of different cultures, heritages and beliefs.
The ultimate aims of tourism should be heading towards creating a better quality of life for all people, tolerance, economic sustainability and the reduction of structural violence.
All tourism activities of whatever motivation need to be sustainable. Tourism that respects both local people and the traveler, cultural heritage and the environment.
Well- designed and managed tourism can make a significant contribution to the four dimensions of sustainable development. This supports sustainable tourism activities and relevant capacity–building that promote environmental awareness, conserve and protect the environment, respect biodiversity and ecosystems and cultural diversity and improve the Livelihoods of local communities.
The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, October 6 University seeks, through the course of sustainable tourism, to develop a critical awareness of the ways in which tourism can enhance the welfare of people and protect our natural and cultural heritage. The Faculty is committed to teach and train ethics of responsible tourism that takes full account of its current and Future economic, social and environment impacts, addressing the needs of travelers, the industry, the environment and the host communities.
The integration of the four dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social, economic and cultural is essential to drive sustainability and highlights opportunities for innovation:
Environmental Dimension: All human activities have an impact on the environment. Conversely, the relative health of the environment will determine and contribute to the nature and scale of activities in the other dimensions: (economic, cultural and social.
The major global environmental challenges: climate change, dwindling nonrenewable resources, shrinking natural habitats, diminishing biodiversity, ocean acidification and increasing human population pressures). have economic, social and cultural elements. The foundational challenges and origins of sustainability may be environmental, but it will take a holistic approach engaging all dimensions to deal with these challenges.
The themes in the environmental dimension are : energy, air and climate change/ water / solid waste / natural areas / land use and built environment.
Social Dimension: Raising awareness about social needs and engaging both citizens and community partners to plan and act in response to these needs. The end result will be to improve the well-being of the whole community.
O6U stresses the importance of personal and group well-being and security, including full access to effective healthcare, housing, food, and education services- these being the essential prerequisites for full participation in cultural, environmental and economic activities.
The themes in the social equity dimension are: education and learning/ health and wellness / food and nutrition / poverty and homelessness / comfort, safety, and inclusion.
Economic Dimension: Developing an economy depends on building multi partnerships with business, industry, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and the community at large: strong cultural, social and environmental foundations. Ensuring quality of place and life to be a center of attraction which is critical to growth and sustainability.
The themes in the economic dimension are: economic development / infrastructure / tourism / agriculture.
Cultural Dimension: Cultural Sustainability:(culture and creativity are enduring) cultural sustainability is instrumental in developing, renewing and maintaining human cultures that create positive, enduring relationships with other peoples and the natural world. It helps build strong and sustainable local communities through arts and cultural development.
Themes in the cultural dimension:
Individual and community identity / Social cohesion, social capital, promoting human well-being and enhancing quality of life and place.
· O6U strictly observes in its operations and practices the principles of non- discrimination (Urban/ rural, women/men, equal pay, elections, student admission).
The University attaches great importance to creating safe and healthy work and study conditions. Diversity is widely recognized and respected (gender equality, religion, culture, dress codes, and disabilities). Freedom of expression and association is guaranteed and respected. Operations and practices in decision- making process are based on merit, transparency and due process.
· O6U firmly believes that respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms is a guarantee to develop and improve performance and enhance the high-end efforts to achieve sustainable development, including achieving freedom, justice and peace in the world.
· This COE attempts to exhibit October 6 University’s resolve to pursue the implementation of the UN Global Compact principles in the fields of human rights, labour, environment and fighting corruption and incorporating these principles into O6U strategy and practices.
The Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms:
o O6U strongly recognizes that the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. O6U ensures that rights are exercised without discrimination of any kind and ensures the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of rights and fundamental freedoms.
o Human rights are an integral part of O6U strategy and policies. O6U provides the resources needed for a safe, healthy and favorable labour conditions. Personnel members can report directly or through complaints and grievances boxes scattered on campus. These procedures help identify and manage risk.
o The written consent of the student must be received before his / her personal data is released from the student's records to any part except for O6U employees who have legitimate educational interests that warrant access to student records.
o Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the information available at the university through conduct and integrity codes, and for observing all policies and procedures related to their participation in the university community. The student is personally responsible for following all policies and meeting deadlines and other requirements.students violating code of conduct may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal
o Valuing the vital relevance of human rights and its critical role in improving performance and enhancing credibility, O6U introduced human rights course in addition to many awareness seminars and conferences all the year round. Example of these activities are the series of lectures delivered lately by some constitutional and administrative law judges and lawyers on raising awareness on legal rights and duties.
· It is worth mentioning here the organization of the Annual International Cultural Festival which provides the opportunity to Egyptian and International students to interact together and helps foster the spirit of mutual respect and understanding and the sense of togetherness thus empowering students to exercise their cultural rights and learn to respect and appreciate others cultures (leaflet of the last International Cultural Festival and the speech of O6U President.
International Students Department (ISD):
· The ISD cares for international students throughout their university life. ISD is dedicated to provide guidance and service to ensure smooth landing and settlement. The ISD is also the student vehicle of communication with the university administration and governance. It is through ISD that vast opportunities are offered for international students to interact with Egyptian students and community at large to ensure easy, positive relationships and integration thus enhancing the "feeling at home" tradition.
· The number of international students in October 6 University (2019/2020) amounts to 700 students. They study in the following disciplines:
Media and mass Communication/ Economics and Management/ Education/ Tourism and Hotel Management/ pharmacy/ Medicine and Surgery/ physical therapy/ social sciences/ Applied Medical Sciences/ Applied Arts/ Languages and Translation/ Engineering/ Dentistry/ Information System and Computer Science
· · These Students are drawn from the following nationalities:
Argentinian/ Australian/ Irish/ Iranian/ Eritrian/ Jordanian/ Spanish/ Emirates/ American/ Iranian/ Italian/ Pakistani/ Bahraini/ British/ Chadian/ Algerian/ Comoro islander/ Danish/ Zimbabwean/ Saudi/ Sudanese/ Syrian/ Swedish/ Somali/ Iraqi/ Omani/ French/ Palestinian/ Qatari/ Cameroonian/ Canadian/ Kuwaiti/ Lebanese/ Libyan/ Moroccan/ Norwegian/ Nigerian/ Indian/ Yemeni.
Accommodating and Integrating Refugees in Egypt
O6U attaches great importance to accommodating and integrating refugees in Egyptian Society. To this end the University is engaged with the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) through:
Memorandum of Understanding between October 6 University and the Regional Office of (UNHCR) in October 2003
Currently there are many students enrolled in the academic year 2019/2020 from different nationalities (Iraq / Syria / Sudan / Somalia).
the Signed Memorandum of Understanding between October 6 University and the Regional Office of (UNHCR) on 26th of November 2006
The renewal of this agreement is on a regular basis, dealing with cooperation in financing training courses in the field of international asylum law.
International Cooperation:
Cognizant of the central role of culture in international relations as it is widely perceived as the most instrumental vehicle of communication and mutual understanding among peoples and states, October 6 University attaches the utmost importance to International Cooperation and Cultural Affairs through undertaking a vast array of cultural activities and interactions all the year round.
This area is undertaken by the Office of International Strategies and Cultural Relations (OISCR) which is mainly responsible for:
· Seeking to activate and implement the signed scientific and academic agreements and MOUs between O6U and other foreign universities and at the same time explores the possibilities of reaching new agreements. Special stress is laid on the students and teaching faculty exchanges, scholarships, and participation in symposia, seminars and conferences. Reviewing and maintaining administrative oversight over agreements signed is a key responsibility of OISCR. Most of opportunities and activities are underpinned by formal agreements.
Coordinating and preparing for participation in international projects like Tempus projects supported by the European Union.
· Providing students with training programmes abroad during the academic year and summer in collaboration with foreign universities with a view to promote and enhance learning (e.g. summer courses conducted with Limouge University in France. These programmes enable students and faculty members to gain a different perspective, add on their academic and see a different world.
· Encouraging students' participation in international competitions in different areas that help enhance creativity, initiation and positive competing (e.g. Robocon Competition on Engineering Inventions).
· Encouraging students participation in activities conducted by international organizations such as the Arabic Council for Arab League Students Training, (Association of Arab Universities, Association of African Universities, Arab Universities Student Union, United Nations Commission for Refugees).
· Providing the students with the opportunity to take part in some international conferences such as the participation of O6U students in the Arab League Review Conference held in Kuwait in collaboration with the Arab League.
· Along the same lines O6U pursues the development and dialogue with different cultures through:
1. The establishment of Middle East Studies and teaching Arabic Language centres
2. Recognizing the benefits to be derived from the encouragement of international contacts and cooperation in the scientific and cultural fields.
· OICR is dedicated to developing a coherent strategy to promote the university at the international level, promoting its global prolife, international competitiveness and raising the prolife of international awareness of O6U.