1- Training courses and workshops in (The basics of Designing Printed Advertisements) Course Contents:: - Design basics and fundamentals - Advertising psychology and color psychology - logos Design - Aesthetic treatments of the ad. elements (using Photoshop and Freehand) - Printing tools and methods Course Duration: 48 hours, for 6 weeks ,8 hours per week.\ 2- Training courses and workshops in (Freehand Drawing Level1) Course Contents: - Visual training by drawing different elements in the presence of light sources . - Study the relationship between shapes (axes – supporting lines – background/ negative space – horizontal lines) - Applying correct light effects and shades using different materials such as: - Pencils - Charcoal - Colored pencils - Pastel colors - Water colors - Gouache Course Duration: 48- Hours, 8 hours per week . \ For more information please contact: Telephone: 38353560 Internal 1246 - Mobile 0129220029