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Mission, Vision and Objectives



An effective committee that secures and stabilizes the work environment at the college against crises and disasters.


Establishing an effective internal system for managing crises and disasters that affect the educational process at the university in all its aspects, and implementing plans and programs to confront crises and disasters, and reduce the risks and negative effects resulting from them.

Tasks and objectives of the committee:

1. Developing and implementing a specific strategy to prevent and confront crises and disasters at the college and reduce their effects on the educational process and the internal community of the college.

2. Developing scenarios for disasters, crises and expected risks, identifying their forms and types, and then develop plans to deal with them.

3. Developing an annual plan in line with the college's executive plan for crisis and disaster management, following up on its implementation and prepare a report on that.

4. Spreading knowledge and increasing awareness of the importance of adopting and applying crisis management at the college level for students, employees and faculty members, and educating students about the danger of tampering with fire alarm devices to issue false alarms, and increasing the penalty in the event of this happening.

5. Identifying training needs and developing an implementation plan to train all college categories (faculty members – Teaching assistant staff - students - administrators - workers) and developing their capabilities to confront crises and disasters and measure their effectiveness.

6. Conducting an evacuation experiment in anticipation of natural disasters or fires.

7. Preparing a study on the status of the college's infrastructure in cooperation with the Financial Resources and Supporting Facilities Committee.

8.. Specifying safe shelters that can be resorted to in disasters such as war or bad weather conditions.

9.Providing a sufficient number of fire extinguishers and periodically review the existing extinguishers.

10. Assigning two workers on each floor as responsible for fire extinguishers and training them on how to use them.

11. Performing periodic maintenance of fire alarm devices.