One of the activities of the closing ceremony of student and community activities for the academic year 2023-2024

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 One of the activities of the closing ceremony of student and community activities

Academic year 2023-2024 AD
In the presence of the Dean of the College - the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs - Department Heads - members of the teaching staff and the supporting staff - the Youth Pioneer - the Pioneers of Student Families (Hope, Moon, Pioneering) - members of the University’s Youth Welfare Department and the Student Union.
The ceremony included the following:
Honoring members of the university’s Youth Welfare Department, faculty members, and supporting staff for their effective contribution to the success of student and community activities.
Honoring the female student and the exemplary student in the general and specialized program (first, second, third, fourth level, college, youth care)
 Honoring male and female students who have obtained student activity centers at the university level
Honoring pioneers and members of student families
 Honoring male and female students participating in all college activities
 Honoring male and female students participating in community activities
 Honoring the students of the college’s Student Union
The ceremony ended with the students presenting a word of thanks, love and appreciation to Mr. Dr.. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, for her continuous support and encouragement for students to participate in various activities.