A workshop on setting standards, procedures and rules for exams that qualify for obtaining a license to practice medical professions

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 Prof. Dr. Sabah Saad Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Thoraya Ramadan Abdel-Fattah, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dr. Yousrya Abdel-Salam Salouma, Head of the Critical and Emergency Nursing Department, attended a workshop on setting standards, procedures and rules for exams that qualify for obtaining a license to practice medical professions headed by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Latif, CEO of the Egyptian Health Council, in coordination with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank, on Tuesday and Wednesday corresponding to 11-12/7/2023, at the temporary headquarters of the Egyptian Health Council at Princess Fatima Academy for Medical Education. This is for training on developing the skills of preparing exam questions that qualify for obtaining a license to practice medical professions, which will measure the scientific and practical skills acquired by graduates after obtaining a bachelor’s degree and before obtaining a license to practice the profession.