Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology

Home / Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology

Mission :

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology is an educational, research & community institute aiming to prepare graduates able to compete locally and regionally in the field of applied health specialties, through an advanced educational strategy, distinct scientific research & clear role in community service and Environmental development. The mission is carried out through efficient human expertise and modern information technology.

Vision :

Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology is a locally & regionally leading faculty, characterized by graduating technologists with high efficiency in various applied health specialties and by high production of distinct applied research.

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Online Registration “Academic Year 2024-2025”


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بمناسبة المولد النبوي الشريف، تتقدم كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحية التطبيقية بأطيب التهاني إلى أسرة الكلية وطلابها الأعزاء، وإلى الأمة الإسلامية جمعا

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Training for students of the Technology of Radiology and Medical

 IMED إمتدادا لتنفيذ بروتوكول التعاون بين كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحية التطبيقية جامعة 6 أكتوبر وشركة وممثلها في مصر شركة سمارت للحلول

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Announcement of Opening Applications for the Position of Quality


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