Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology

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Technology of Medical Laboratory


 أعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة بالبرنامج
أ.د / اسماعيل حجازي
استاذ الكيمياء الحيوية- دكتوراه الكيمياء الحيوية الطبية والباثولوجيا الكيمائية - جامعه توبنجن المانيا - دبلوم طب المناطق الحارة – جامعه هامبورج المانيا
أ.د /منال ممدوح حسان
رئيس برنامج تكنولوجيا المختبرات الطبية.
د / حنان محمد أبو زيد
مدرس الكيمياء الحيوية وكيمياء التغذية
د / زهراء نصار
مدرس الكيمياء الحيوية وكيمياء التغذية
م.م/ ميداء ناصر
ماجستير الكيمياء الحيوية والبيولوجيا الجزيئية.
م.م/ اسراء احمد عبدالله
ماجستير الكيمياء الحيوية والبيولوجيا الجزيئية.
م.م/ رشا محمد اسماعيل
ماجستيرالبيوتكنولوجيا الميكروبية (الوراثة الميكروبية).
معيد/ محمد الأمير حسن
بكالوريوس علوم طبية تطبيقية قسم مختبرات طبية.
معيدة/ مايفن مجدي ادوارد  بكالوريوس علوم طبية تطبيقية قسم مخابرات طبية



متطلبات التخصص لبرنامج تكنولوجيا المختبرات


Specialty Requirements

Technology of medical laboratories program 80 credits

(70 Mandatory and 10 Electives)


متطلبات برنامج تكنولوجيا المختبرات الطبية الإجبارية

Mandatory requirements of Technology of Medical Laboratories

رمز ورقم المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات المعتمدة

متطلب سابق


Laboratory automation

طرق التحاليل الأتوماتيكية


لها متطلب سابق



Blood Bank Techniques I

تقنيات بنك الدم I


لها متطلب سابق



Blood Bank Techniques -II

تقنيات بنك الدمII


لها متطلب سابق



Bio- Informatics

نظم المعلومات الحيويه




Clinical Chemistry I: principles and techniques

الكيمياء الاكلينيكية I: مبادئ وتقنيات


لها متطلب سابق



Clinical Chemistry II: principles and techniques

الكيمياء الاكلينيكية II: مبادئ وتقنيات


لها متطلب سابق



Clinical Chemistry III: principles and techniques

الكيمياء الاكلينيكية III: مبادئ وتقنيات


لها متطلب سابق



Communication technology

تكنولوجيا اتصالات




Forensic chemistry

and toxicology Techniques

تقنيات الكيمياء الشرعية والسموم


لها متطلب سابق



Introduction to Hormones

مقدمه في علم الهرمونات


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Introduction to Medical Engineering

مقدمة الهندسة الطبية




Introduction to Enzymology

مقدمه في علم الانزيمات


لها متطلب سابق



Hematology Techniques I

تقنيات علم الدمI


لها متطلب سابق



Hematology Techniques II

IIتقنيات علم الدم


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Histopathology Techniques I

تقنيات علم الأنسجة والخلايا I




Histopathology Techniques II

تقنيات علم الأنسجة والخلايا II


لها متطلب سابق



Infection control

التحكم في العدوى


لها متطلب سابق MFBACT306


Medical Laboratory Instrumentation

الأجهزة المعملية الطبية





Microbiology Techniques, I

تقنيات الميكروبيولوجي والفيروسات I


لها متطلب سابق



Microbiology Techniques -II

تقنيات الميكروبيولوجي والفيروسات II


لها متطلب سابق



Immunology and Serology techniques

تقنيات علم المناعة والامصال




Molecular Biology

البيولوجيا الجزيئية




Parasitology and urine analysis

علم الطفيليات وتحليل البول




Laboratory quality management

إدارة الجودة في المعامل




Research Project

مشروع بحث




Radiation protection

الوقاية من الاشعاع






70 ساعة


متطلبات برنامج تكنولوجيا المختبرات طبية اختياريه


Elective requirements of Technology of Medical Laboratories





كود المقرر

اسم المقرر

عدد الساعات


Drug Monitoring

تحاليل ومتابعة الأدوية والسموم



Antenatal Laboratory Investigations

طرق التحاليل الخاصة بمتابعة الحمل



Principles of Genetics

مبادئ علم الوراثة



Laboratory Investigations in Intensive Care Units

طرق التحاليل في الرعاية المركزة



Laboratory Investigations in Molecular Biology

طرق التحاليل الخاصة بالبيولوجيا الجزيئية



Reagents in Medical laboratories

الكواشف في المعامل الطبية




توصيف المقررات الخاصة لبرنامج تكنولوجيا المختبرات الطبية


Mandatory Medical Laboratory Technology Requirements 

MLAIA804 Laboratory automation

The course completes the concept of total lab automation with all its components including pre and post analytical phase automation. Study of the principles and uses of auto analyzers laboratory equipment and techniques, handling out of specification, atypical/suspect test results and ion selective electrodes- carousel cell- signal flow in auto analyzer.

MLBAN404 Blood Banking techniques I

The course focuses on the genetics in blood grouping, the ABO and non-ABO blood group systems. Blood grouping and pre-transfusion testing. Complications of blood transfusions. Blood collection, processing and storage. Replacement therapy in blood diseases. The practical part include identifiying of blood grouping by direct and reverse methods and identification of Du Ag by Du test.

MLBANK701 Blood Banking techniques II

The student has to know knowledge about different systems of blood grouping, blood transfusion,sepeartion of blood components for transfusion and auto transfusion. The practical topics include blood collection, blood component processing testing for red cell serology and transfusion transmissible infection, issuing and compatibility testing, single donor platelets collection, infection prevention and control, safety, occupational health and documentation in the blood bank. Identification of the blood banking instruments, Auto transfusion and apheresis principle. stressing quality control of blood products.

MLBIOIN504 Bio- informatics

The course presents in laboratory practice, structure and sequence analysis. It also focuses on uses of computer data bases to store, retrieve and assist in understanding biological information. Computer programming and algorithm development. Computational biology tools. The course covers data transfer, data presentation and structure, protein, DNA & RNA structure and sequence analysis.

MLCLIN501 Clinical Chemistry I; principles and techniques

The course aims at introducing the basic concepts that enables the technologists working at a clinical chemistry laboratory to perform the analytical procedures correctly to yield accurate and precise results. The topics presented include units of measure, basic lab. Supplies, the process of specimen collection, handling and processing.

Methods of glucose measurement, glucose tolerance test, glycosylated hemoglobin determination and ketones testing are presented and practiced.

Renal function tests and the principles of the analytical procedures are creatinine clearance, estimation of GFR and urine analysis are presented.

MLCLIN606 Clinical Chemistry II: principles and techniques

This course is a continuation of the clinical chemistry I. In this course the principles of the techniques for amino acid analysis and the specific tests for detection of certain aminoacidopathies through certain screening tests. Also, method of detection and quantitation of protein in blood serum and other body fluids are presented and compared. Serum protein electrophoresis.

Electrophoresis are also presented and performed in the laboratory, non-protein nitrogenous compounds determinations are presented as urea, uric acid, creatinine/creatine testing and ammonia and practiced in the lab sessions.

The course also presents determination of lipids and separation of the types of lipoproteins.

Liver function tests and liver enzyme determination testing the state of liver cells are presented. Laboratory markers of cardiac damage tests are discussed and performed in the lab sessions as well.

MLCLIN803 Clinical Chemistry III: principles and techniques

The course provides the students with the basic knowledge about the electrolytes (cations and anions) and concentrate on the analytical techniques used to assess electrolyte concentration stating the specimen of choice for the major electrolytes. The principle of determination of osmolality using the osmometers are to be discussed.

Blood gases and blood pH determination using blood gas analyzer and the precautions for sampling are stressed upon.

Practical sessions include demonstration of vthe blood gases determinations in the hospital lab

Trace and toxic elements are briefly discussed stressing on the precautions for sample collection and processing. The methods for measuring the trace and toxic elements “spectroscopic” are discussed.

Body fluids analysis including testing the CSF, sweat, synovial fluid, pleural fluid and peritoneal fluids for certain chemical and cellular elements are explained. The principle of sweat chloride test is explained and applied .Pancreatic and gastro-intestinal function tests are discussed including measuring pancreatic amylase, stool analysis, D-xylose absorption test. The principles of point of care testing and the use of dry chemistry in rapid tests are discussed.

MLCS302 Communication Technology

This course provides an introduction to both elementary and modern forms of Communication engineering systems. Communication engineering systems can be defined as the reliable transmission and reception of information.

This course will develop the student skills in the basic theory and methods associated with Communication Engineering, including:

Ø An introduction to information representation and processing

Ø Familiarization with the basics of classical and modern communication systems

Ø Hands on experience with communication devices and system hardware

In the practical part the students will work both independently and as part of a production team to design and produce media products in a project-driven environment. Practical projects may include photo galleries, digital images, animations, and websites.

Ø Students will also expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology

Ø Students will be introduced to basic models, definitions, and approaches to communication technology

MLCTOX605 Forensic chemistry and Toxicology techniques

Laboratory tests for poisoned patients. Monitoring of therapeutic drugs. Detection of alcohol in clinical specimens. Doping tests for substance addiction. DNA finger printing and the application of molecular biology in medical legal cases. detection of blood and seminal stains. Laboratory of toxicology techniques are used to identification microbial toxins and commen toxins subjects in the lab by different by basics and automation techniques.

MLENDO609 Introduction to Hormones

This course is an introductory to the understanding of the structural and classification of hormones, the functional properties and the use of hormonal determination for functional testing of the endocrine glands. The role of hormones in control of metabolism is to be emphasized. The different methods of laboratory determination of hormones are to be stressed upon.

MLENG403 Introduction to Medical Engineering

A brief introduction to biomedical engineering with special emphasis on medical laboratory instrumentation signal conditioning, sensor and displacement measurement, temperature sensor and measurement, photo emissive sensors, bioelectrical signal, sodium potassium pump and types of electrodes.

MLENZY608 Introduction to Enzymology

This course aims at providing students with the required knowledge about the mode of chemical nature of enzymes as proteins with more emphases on the factors that affects its action including the PH, the temperature of the medium, the concentration of substrates, the presence of co-enzymes “mostly derivatives of vitamins”, the effect of inhibitors or stimulators in the medium. This will help the technologists to adjust the optimum conditions while preforming the many laboratory tests that depends mainly on the enzyme action aiming at getting accurate results. The practical part include a study on salivary amylase action to demonstrate the effect of pH and temperature.

Also, application of many laboratory tests that use enzymes as reagents like glucose, cholesterol and uric acid quantitation in the serum,  also the use of enzymes as indicators in immunoassay techniques for detection viral antibodies are demonstrated

MLHEMA402 Hematology techniques I

The course include basic knowledge about normal hematopoiesis and normal hemostasis. Manual complete blood count, blood film spreading, staining, normal differential count, screening tests for coagulation. Practical sessions include how to get the blood sample (using artificial arm), principle of hemoglobin determination, manual blood call counting, ESR, hematocrit, bleeding time, clotting time. Manual methods are to be stressed upon.

MLHEMA703 hematology techniques II

The course is a continuation of the hematology techniques I. Concerning introduction to stem cell disorder, anemias, hemostasis and hemostatic disorders and Leukemia. The role of the technologists in hematology lab, concerning the principles, the procedures, the quality control of the tests, detecting the source of errors and limitations are extensively studied. Participating in all the laboratory activities including automated blood count and differential, automated coagulation tests. spreading, fixation, staining and examination of a blood film, blood cell counting and differentiation, coagulation testing and interpretation of all test results. Hb electrophorese, ESR, PLT, reticulocyte count is included. The practical includes WBCS differential count and hemostasis profile. Manual methodology are mainly used followed by automated techniques.

MLHIST601 Histopathology techniques I

Introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of special staining procedure for demonstration of normal structure of the different tissues and detection of the various pathological changes in the tissues affected by diseases. Methods for specimen collection, fixation, processing and laboratory preparation are presented and practiced.

MLHIST603 Histopathology techniques II

This course concentrates on special laboratory procedures including immunohistology, plastic histology, electron microscopy, enzyme histochemistry cell and tissue culture and general cytological techniques for collection and preparation of various samples

MLIC304 Infection control

The course focuses on introducing the policies and procedures used to minimize the risk of spreading infections especially in hospitals and medical centers and clinics. The course stresses also on the methodology of disinfection and waste management

MLLABO602 Medical Laboratory Instrumentation

The course enable the students to understand and assimilate the many concepts, techniques and instrumentation and allow separation of the basic techniques and equipment (including the microscope). The practical part include principles and uses of laboratory equipment and techniques, photometry, spectrometry, PH meter, centrifuges, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, nephelometry, turbidimetry, electrophoresis, ion selective electrodes, osmometry, chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry, radiation counters, immunochemistry analyzers. Auto-analyzers in clinical chemistry, hematology and microbiology.

MLMICR401 Microbiology techniques I

The course includes systematic study of bacteria (types, morphology, and staining), different methods of identification of bacteria. principles of medical virology and medical mycology, different types of culture media, practice the ways of microbiological culture and different staining methods.  . The practical part includes participation of the student in all the procedures performed, including staining, cultures techniques, identification of microorganisms, culture and sensitivity testing, and the special staining techniques and biochemical reaction.

MLMICRO702 Microbiology techniques II

Theoretical lectures aimed to dealing with the different clinical specimens, familiarize with the most common infection, their microbial causes as well as laboratory diagnosis and methods of prevention. This course would rather focus on anaerobic bacteria, mycobacteria and bacteria that require special media. An overview of the methods and strategies in virology and mycology as well as automation in the microbiology lab.The practical part includes participation of the student in all the procedures performed, including staining, cultures techniques, identification of microorganisms, and principles of medical virology and medical mycology, different types of culture media, practice the ways of microbiological culture and different staining methods.

MLIMSER503 Immunology and Serology techniques

The course aimed that the students will be able to recognize general properties of immune responses, cells and tissues of immune system, lymphocyte activation and specificity, effector mechanisms, immunity to microbes, immunodeficiency and AIDS, autoimmune diseases and transplantation. Explain the mechanisms of antigen antibody interactions and explain the principals involved in the practical applications of those mechanisms. In the practical part the student will learn to correlate disease conditions with laboratory results, as well as Know the practical applications of the primary and secondary Ag:Ab interactions (Rf, CRP & ASOT), agglutinations, and agglutinations inhibition techniques, Enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA).

The student has to practice clinical serology section actively all the methods like agglutination, precipitation and complement fixation techniques, rising titres used in serological diagnosis of various diseases. Theoretical lecture contains intensive discussions of practical experience to update the knowledge in serological diagnosis based on antigen- antibody reaction. The principle of rapid serological tests and its applications.

MLMOLE502 Molecular Biology

The course focuses on the basic principles, human genome, nucleic acids probes, hybridization, thermal cyclers, DNA sequencers. In-vitro amplification reaction (PCR), molecular diagnostics, infections, genetic diseases and malignancy. Practical include DNA extraction from tissues and blood, quantitation of separated DNA and principles of PCR. Technologists have to make sure of the precautions to avoid contaminations.

MLPARA604 Parasitology and urine analysis

The life cycle of various parasitic helminths and protozoa. Arthropods as gents and vectors of diseases. Examination of clinical specimens for protozoan and helminth parasites. Brief description of the clinical manifestations of parasitic diseases with special emphasis on parasitic diseases endemic in the different areas of the Arab world. Host response to parasitic infestation. Parasitology laboratory sessions performing stool and urine analysis with special emphasis on diagnosis of protozoal and helminthic diseases. Students are also trained using preformed slides for identification of the various parasitic helminths. Complete urine analysis including the physical and chemical characters are performed in the lab.

MLQULIM607 Laboratory quality management

This course focuses on quality and technical requirements for ensuring quality and competence of laboratories. All variables that may adversely affect the integrity of the laboratory result will be addressed from beginning to end of the process (Pre-Analytical, Analytical, and Post-Analytical activities).Provides routine and consistent checks to ensure data integrity, correctness, and completeness reading, understanding, and implementing ISO/AEC standard 17025, and ISO 15189. The following topics are covered during the course:

Quantitative analytical methods, statistical analysis and validation, quality control Chart, and calibration process.

MLRESP802 Research Project

The student has to perform a research work under supervision of staff member to get the experience in research and making a graduation project. The course focuses on teaching the student the methods of research, help him plan a simple research, perform the work, analyse and present the results and share in a discussion.

MLRP305 Radiation Protection

The students are introduced to the basic principles of radiation hazards and protection and its applications aiming at protection of health professionals (technologist, the patient and the community against the radiation hazards.


Elective Medical Laboratory Technology Requirements

ELDRUG802 Drug Monitoring

A brief description of the basis of pharmacokinetics is presented to the technologists to be aware of the proper timing of the sampling for drug monitoring.

Extensive study and training of the methods of testing including the chromatographic technique and immunoassay technique are presented to the student.

ELFETU405 Antenatal Laboratory Investigations

The course focuses on the laboratory investigations during the stages of pregnancy for the mother and for detection of congenital anomalies in the fetus. The laboratory investigations for the mother before and after delivery and for the fetus before delivery focuses on diseases that can modulate the course of pregnancy. The Practical part includes protein urine testing and CBC. detection of anemia, proteinurias, triple marker test, introduction to chromosomal anomalies. diagnostic test of pregnancies.

ELGEN504 Principles of Genetics

The course focuses on a simple overview of the principles animal and plant genetics including mendelian's laws of inheritance, animal cell cycle and cell divisions, the bases of molecular genetics stressing on the structure of chromosomes, DNA replication, transcription and translation of RNA. Gene regulation and mutations, DNA repair and the concept of cancer development.

ELICU804 Laboratory investigations in intensive care units

The course focuses on the laboratory tests commonly performed for patients in the intensive care units laying emphasis on the precautions of sampling, testing and reporting the results. Rapid methods or point of care testing are also presented.

ELPCR703 Laboratory investigations in molecular biology

The course lay stress on methods used in the diagnosis and discovery of prenatal genetic disorders with special emphasis on PCR & recombinant of DNA technology. Also, stress cell cycle and apoptosis. The course addressing more sophisticated molecular techniques, sequencing including NGS, micro RNA techniques and microarray also concept of gene therapy and genome map identification by NCPI website

ELRML503 Reagents in Medical laboratories

The purpose of this course is related to reagents from a different aspect. Probably, types of reagents from the regulatory point of view (for diagnostic use, for research only), aspects of medical product regulation, quality control of product. Also provide basic understanding of buffers, dilution and diagnostic reagents in applied chemistry. Rules of buffer system, Laboratory practice in mixing buffers, preparing solutions and performing of certain biological measurements of protein, carbohydrate and lipid.