Academic Guidance and Registration Mechanism

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Academic Guidance and Registration Mechanism Second Semester (Spring 2024) of the Academic Year 2025/2024


First: Review the timeline announced by the Academic Guidance and Registration Unit.

Second: Initial Registration Stage (ONLINE)

The following are the steps in detail for the student to make initial registration on the official university website:

1.  The student logs in to the official university website

2.  The student goes to the (Credit Hours) icon.

3.  Chooses the (Initial Registration) icon.

4.  The student will see on the initial registration screen the courses available for registration by the college administration for the second semester (spring) according to the college regulations.

5.  The student registers the courses before the closing date of initial registration (ONLINE) before Saturday, February 1, 2025.

6.  Do not register new courses and priority for registration is given to courses that were failed (obtained F) first in the interest of the student in raising the cumulative average.

Academic Guidance and Registration Mechanism

Second Semester (Spring 2024) of the Academic Year 2025/2024

Third: Registration Confirmation Stage with the Academic Advisor

The following are the detailed steps for the student to confirm registration with the academic advisor:

1.  The student reviews the schedule of dates and locations of the members of the auxiliary body (academic advisors) announced by the Academic Guidance and Registration Unit.

2.  The student goes to the academic advisor to confirm registration, review registration, delete and add courses, and receive his study schedule according to the announced dates.

3.  Review the number of warnings, if any.


The student must adhere to the dates of the time plan announced by the Academic Guidance and Registration Unit according to the time plan announced by the university administration, and there are no exceptions after these dates at all.