A visit from the College of Dentistry to a nursing home

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 The Faculty of Dentistry at October 6 University according to the directives of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University, and Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Abi Al-Hassan, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Magi. Khairy, Vice Dean of the College of Dentistry for Community Service and Environmental Development, and with the participation of a group of faculty members and intern doctors, visited the “Ahalina” nursing home, within the framework of strengthening community communication and supporting the elderly group. A group of professors and students participated in the visit, providing dental examinations and health advice to the guests.

The guests expressed their great happiness with this humanitarian initiative, which reflects the spirit of solidarity and social solidarity. The supervisors of the “Ahalina” nursing home emphasized the importance of such visits in improving the psychological and health condition of the elderly, expressing their sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to organizing and making this visit a success.
This visit aims to enhance health awareness among the elderly and provide them with the necessary care, in addition to engaging students in social activities that develop their spirit of giving and responsibility towards society.