Project Based Learning

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 Project Based Learning

A model for the best utilization of wasted natural resources and an effective way for teaching and learning


4th year student, faculty of pharmacy, October 6 university

under the supervision of

staff. members, faculty of pharmacy, October 6 university


The aim of this study is to teach the students the best way for utilization of Agro-waste taking the apricot kernel as a model.

The results have showed that a ton of apricot kernels waste, produces about 100 liters of fixed oil, 350 kilos of cellulose, 700g of amygdalin and 2 kilos of benzaldhyde, In addition to all of this, a small amount of lignin and hemicellulose. The bitterness of apricot seeds has also been removed so it can be used as a cheap substitute for almond nuts as an edible product.

An Integrative study technique is done by the Pharmacognosy department, faculty of Pharmacy October 6 University to connect nearly all the faculty departments and the National Research center with different scientific sites each other to minimize the gaps between them, which is reflected on the undergraduate students’ skills as they link all what they have been taught so, they can be able to work in a team, co-operate together and can work under stress. They have been taught to think out of the box by scientific and creative ways and can face obstacles and solve them. These projects are considered as incubators for graduate researchers and businessmen.

Project Co Ordinator

Prof. Dr.Samir Osman