Department of Pharmaceutics - Faculty of Pharmacy - October 6 University had established fair day to celebrate the industrial pharmacy projects of the fifth year students under the leadership of: Dr. Sahar Fayez and Dr. Tarek Saad and all practical Industrial Pharmacy team for their contribution to the implementation and development of the instruments used in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals with the students and these devices had been presented on Tuesday, 12/13/2016. The guests of honor of this day of pharmacists Syndicate represented by: Dr. / Mostafa Alwakil - Undersecretary of the General Syndicate for pharmacists, and industry leaders in Egypt and many pharmaceutical companies such as Rameda, October pharm, Al-Hikma and Moriat Biopharm, Al-Motaheda and SEDICO.
As Ezabi pharmacies participated in this event, everyone expressed their admiration and impressed by the level of students and the level of instruments and pointed to the big paradigm shift in the way the teaching of Industrial Pharmacy. Where students managed instruments manufacturing in a complete production line for tablets, these devices are:
1. V- Shaped mixer.
2. Y- Shaped mixer.
3. High shear mixer granulator.
4. Fluidized bed granulator.
5. Spray dryer.
6. Dual tablet press machine.
There had been cooperation between pharmaceutics Department and Pharmacognosy Department in the distillation device "Distillator with chiller" this has been so successful, additionally, group of students successfully created instrument for liquids "Liquid filling machine".
It is worth mentioning, the presence of a lot of colleges of pharmacy from different universities to participate in this event were seen, including the College of Pharmacy - University of Modern Arts and Sciences and the College of Pharmacy - Misr University for Science and Technology and the Faculty of Pharmacy - Ahram Canadian University, which brought a group of students to participate and take benefit from this event.
The main objective of establishing this great event is to make a link between the faculty with pharmaceutical industry and to encourage student and prepare him for market requirements and the exchange of information in the field of Industrial Pharmacy, the faculty aimed to open a job market for students with drug companies to participate by clarifying students' abilities innovative of these companies.