Registration unit
Academic and Student Advising Unit
The Academic and Student Advising Unit at the Faculty of Economics and management is a guiding unit that serves students primarily by introducing the student to the university's regulations and directing him in choosing the appropriate courses according to the academic plan set. And help him to overcome all obstacles in his studies to obtain the degree successfully in accordance with the objectives of the college.
The Academic and Student Advising Unit seeks to be a leading and distinguished counseling unit in the field of academic and student counseling services in accordance with international quality standards.
- Providing the necessary support for students to achieve the completion of the study plan and the completion of all requirements within the available time period.
- Providing academic and guidance information to students and increasing their awareness of the university's mission, objectives and regulations.
- Follow-up students academically and help them complete their studies efficiently and support the university's efforts in providing a sound educational environment to graduate qualified students for the labor market.
- Helping students to identify scientific disciplines that suit their mental abilities and inclinations.
- Directing students who are struggling academically, guiding them, paying attention to them and following them up to raise their scientific level and help them overcome the obstacles they face.
- Provide students with suggestions and advice to improve their educational achievement and help them overcome their academic and administrative problems.
- Raise awareness on campus of the resources and services provided by the university to improve the level of students.
- Providing students with experience and scientific opinion on organizing their time and investing it well to obtain the best methods of study and good achievement.
organizational structure