Medical education lasts for 6 years, at the end of which, there is an additional 12 months dedicated to full-time clinical training as a house officer at Kasr Al Aini University Hospital. After graduation, medical students are conferred the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (M.B.B.Ch). Medical licensure as a General Practitioner (GP) is obtained after completion of the year of full time training and registering with both the Ministry of Health and the Egyptian Medical Syndicate.
The 12 months training period is distributed among the following departments (2 months each):
- General surgery
- General Medicine
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Pediatrics
- Emergency& Anesthesiology
- Special subjects according to graduate’s choice.
System of Education:
- The student spends 226 credit hours throughout the six years.
- Medical education is divided into two Stages:
A. Academic stage: the first three levels (years)
B. Clinical stage: the next three levels (years).
- Each level (year) is divided into two semesters.
- Each semester consists of 14 working weeks.
- The final end semester exams are hold at the last 2 weeks of each semester (including written, oral and practical exams).
- English is the language used for Medical Education.