"The Intellectual" is an international journal in literature, linguistics and translation studies that is published to achieve one of the most important objectives of the college administration, faculty members and the assisting body in the field of scientific research. It should be emphasized that "The Intellectual" as an international journal in literature, linguistics and translation studies adheres to the various scientific and academic standards of the branches of human knowledge in the field of language and literature, under the supervision of an editorial board that includes professors, researchers and a scientific and advisory body representing figures in their specialties and belonging to many universities in Egypt and the world. In this context, we invite researchers wishing to publish in the journal to adhere to the same standards mentioned. The organizers of this journal have chosen to promote the dissemination of knowledge and thought through all possible means as their goal, so the issues are published on paper in addition to making an electronic copy, as well as working to provide future opportunities for the development of the journal and facilitate access to its research so that it becomes a detailed academic reference for researchers in the sciences of language and literature in different languages, as well as to meet the desires and needs of researchers in publishing their researches in the fields of humanities to contribute to instilling and preserving the values of society.
1. The journal publishes researches – in foreign languages and Arabic that has not previously been published in other containers.
2. The journal is issued semi-annually, and accepts the publication of research in its specialized vessels according to the classification (humanities and intermediaries)
3. Theoretical and interdisciplinary humanities studies researches and articles that are characterized by originality, which contribute to the advancement of human knowledge, are accepted for publication in the journal, and the materials accepted by the journal for publication are classified into the following patterns:
Ø - Research and studies
Ø - Scientific articles
Ø - Critical reviews
Ø - Translated works.
Ø - Scientific reviews.
Ø - Summaries of master's and doctoral theses.
Ø - Reports of conferences, seminars and workshops.
Ø 4. Submitted works are subject to confidential scientific arbitration (blind) in accordance with the system followed in the journal, and to meet the criteria for classification of scientific journals approved by the Supreme Council of Universities.
Ø 5. Works submitted for publication by professors - the degree of professor - are not subject to blind arbitration.
Ø 6. The researcher is fully responsible for his research, and is obligated to send his research identifying the researcher's full name, degree, and institution to which he belongs, and the researcher shall submit a written declaration signed by him that the submitted research has not previously been published in any scientific journal, scientific conference or otherwise.
Ø 7. The research shall be characterized by originality, be an addition to the scientific accumulation, contribute to the richness of human knowledge, and be satisfied with the scientific aspects, including the presentation of the theoretical and methodological foundations used in drawing and discussing the results.
8.It is required to upload the research on the journal's website accompanied by a summary in Arabic and English of all language research.
9. The research is written using Microsoft Office Word or later, Simplified font type Arabic for writing in Arabic, Times New Romans for writing in English, page type (B5), font 14 for the body and 16 for subheadings, margins (3 cm on the four sides of the page), and the distance between lines is 1.15 cm, with strict adherence to the documentation system currently followed by the journal, which is the (MLA) system for specialized research in literature and the APA system for research specialized in linguistics.
10. The research should not exceed a maximum of 30 pages, and a summary of the research should be attached within (200) words, and translated in English.
11. The research is sent to take action on reviewing through the journal's website [email protected]
12. All correspondence related to publication in the journal shall be directed to the editor-in-chief to take reviewing procedures through the journal's website.
13. The researcher pays the reviewing and publication fees in full before proceeding with the reviewing.
14. The research shall be submitted on the journal's website in the format mentioned in item (9), without linguistic or typographical errors, and in the event of linguistic notes, the researcher shall pay the journal the review fees.
15. After reviewing the research and returning it to the researcher to complete the observations of the reviewers, it is returned to the editor-in-chief for review for final publication, and then sent to the electronic publishing officer to upload the research through the journal's website in its final publishable form, after which the researcher obtains a statement that his research is accepted for publication electronically, and it is included in the time plan for publication in the journal.
16. The research received by the journal should not have religious or political purposes, but rather scientific research in the fields of specialization of the journal - referred to earlier - in its various branches. All research received expresses the researcher's point of view and is under his responsibility.
17. The faculty has the right to republish the contents of the journal electronically, or to participate in databases and websites without referring to the researchers with approval.
Research papers are sent electronically to take action on reviewing through: Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation website: