News: Two workshops were held to raise awareness and develop the capabilities of faculty members

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 Within the framework of the preparations for the new academic year and in the keenness of the Quality Unit  to activate and follow up the internal system of quality management and the development of the capabilities of faculty members and the auxiliary body, the Director of Quality Dr. Mona Al-Shura and under the supervision of the Dean of the College Dr. Tarek Abdel Aal Hammad  Coordination prepared two workshops on awareness

 Teaching and learning methods and assessment methods
 It is lectured by each of the -
 Dr. Rabab Hamdy Supervisor of Accounting Department
Dr. Nashwa Ibrahim is a lecturer in the Department of Accounting 
-By the standard of academic standards and educational programs 
It is lectured by:
Prof. Dr. Ghozlan Mahmoud  , Supervisor of the Department of Political Science
Dr. Nashwa Ibrahim is a lecturer in the Department of Accounting 
Ms. Lubna Abo-Elela Mohamed
Dr. Soha ElmaghawrySupervisor of the Department of Economics