أعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة - برنامج تكنولوجيا الأشعة والتصوير الطبي
ا.د/ دينا أحمد عزت
قائم بعمل رئيس القسم
د / محمد سميح نصر الدين
مدرس الأشعة والتصوير الطبي.
د / أحمد حمدي محمد
مدرس الأشعة والتصوير الطبي.
د / أحمد حافظ عمارة
مدرس الأشعة والتصوير الطبي.
د / ديانا عباس الشريف
مدرس الأشعة والتصوير الطبي.
د / محمد عوف
دكتوراة بيولوجيا الاشعاع – جامعة الاسكندرية.
م.م/ ليندا شعبان
ماجستير الفيزياء الاشعاعية
م.م/ إيمان زغلول
ماجستير المعلوماتية الحيوية.
م/ نهال محمد ابراهيم
بكالوريوس علوم طبية تطبيقية قسم الأشعة والتصوير الطبي.
م/ مي تامر
بكالوريوس علوم طبية تطبيقية قسم الأشعة والتصوير الطبي.

متطلبات التخصص لبرنامج تكنولوجيا علوم الأشعة والتصوير الطبي
Specialty Requirements
Technology of Radiology & Medical Imaging program 80 credits (70 Mandatory and 10 Electives)
متطلبات برنامج تكنولوجيا علوم الأشعة والتصوير الطبي الإجبارية
Mandatory requirements of Technology of Radiology and Medical Imaging Program
رمز ورقم المقرر
Course Code
اسم المقرر
Course Name
عدد الساعات المعتمدة
متطلب سابق
Radiological Anatomy I
التشريح في الاشعة 1
Bone Densitometry technique
تقنية قياس كثافه العظام
Basic Techniques of Radiology
التقنيات الأساسية في الأشعة
Contrast Examination technique I
تقنية فحوص الصبغة I
Communication technology
تكنولوجيا اتصالات
CT Techniques I
تقنيات الاشعة المقطعية I
703 MRCT
CT Techniques II
II تقنيات الاشعة المقطعية
CT Techniques III
III تقنيات الأشعة المقطعية
Dental Radiology technique
تقنية اشعه الاسنان
Emergency Radiology technique I
I تقنية اشعة الحوادث والطوارئ
Fundamentals of Radiology technique
مبادئ تقنية الأشعة
Image Quality Assessment
تقييم جوده الصورة
Infection control
التحكم في العدوى
لها متطلب سابق MFBACT306
Interventional Radiology technique
تقنية الأشعة التداخلية
MRI Techniques I
تقنيات الرنين المغناطيسي I
MRI Techniques II
تقنيات الرنين المغناطيسي II
MRI Techniques III
تقنيات الرنين المغناطيسي III
Nuclear Medicine technique I
Iتقنية الطب النووي
Nuclear Medicine technique II
تقنية الطب النوويII
Radiation protection
الوقاية من الاشعاع
Pediatric Radiology technique
تقنية أشعه الاطفال
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Techniques
تقنيات التصوير المقطعي بالانبعاث البوزيتروني
Radiotherapy technique I
تقنية العلاج الإشعاعي I
Systemic Anatomy
تشريح اجهزه الجسم
Radiobiology technique I
تقنية بيولوجيا الاشعاع I
Radiobiology technique II
تقنية بيولوجيا الاشعاع II
Research Project
مشروع بحث
Basics of Radiopathology technique I
اساسيات تقنية علم الامراض الإشعاعي I
Basics of Radiopathology technique II
اساسيات تقنية علم الامراض الإشعاعي II
Radiation Physics
الفيزياء الاشعاعية
Radiotherapy technique II
II تقنية العلاج الإشعاعي
Radiological Techniques I (Chest, Upper limbs & Lower limbs)
تقنيات الأشعة I (الصدر – الاطراف)
Radiological Techniques II (Skull & Spine)
تقنيات الأشعة II (الجمجمة-العمود الفقري)
Ultrasound & Doppler Techniques I
تقنيات الموجات فوق الصوتية والدوبلر 1
Ultrasound & Doppler Techniques II
تقنيات الموجات فوق الصوتية والدوبلرII
Women Imaging technique
تقنية فحوص المرأة
70 ساعة
متطلبات برنامج تكنولوجيا علوم الأشعة والتصوير الطبي الاختيارية
Elective requirements of Technology of Radiology and Medical Imaging Program
رمز ورقم المقرر
Course Code
اسم المقرر
Course Name
عدد الساعات
متطلب سابق
Radiological Anatomy II
التشريح في الاشعة II
Applications of radiation protection
تطبيقات الوقاية من الاشعاع
Contrast examinations technique II
تقنية فحوص الصبغة II
Ethics and Laws in Radiology
الاخلاقيات والقوانين في الأشعة
Emergency Radiology technique II
تقنية اشعة الحوادث والطواري II
Quality Assurance in Radiology
ضمان الجودة في الأشعة
PACs & RIS in Radiology
انظمه الاتصالات والتخزين في الأشعة
Radiation Measurements technique
تقنية قياسات الاشعاع
توصيف المقررات الخاصة لبرنامج تكنولوجيا علوم الاشعة والتصوير الطبي
Mandatory Radiology and Medica Imaging Technology Requirements
MRANA403 Radiological Anatomy I
This course is applied to provide the students with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to understand the gross and sectional anatomy of the body systems (skeletal system, GIT system and urinary system in different radiological examinations).
MRBD430 Bone Densitometry technique
This course is designed to provide the students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the different modalities used in bone densitometry and different bone densitometry techniques.
MRBTR401 Basic Techniques of Radiology
The students are introduced to the basics of different radiological techniques in different radiological branches including x-ray techniques, interventional techniques, CT, Nuclear medicine, Radiotherapy and MRI techniques.
MRCE505 Contrast Examinations technique I
This course includes dealing with chemical materials used in contrast examinations in radiology department, route of administration, modalities that are used, possible complications and the indications, contraindications and technique of different contrast examinations.
MRCT302 Communication Technology
This course provides an introduction to both elementary and modern forms of Communication engineering systems. Communication engineering systems can be defined as the reliable transmission and reception of information.
This course will develop the student skills in the basic theory and methods associated with Communication Engineering, including:
Ø An introduction to information representation and processing
Ø Familiarization with the basics of classical and modern communication systems
Ø Hands on experience with communication devices and system hardware
In the practical part the students will work both independently and as part of a production team to design and produce media products in a project-driven environment. Practical projects may include photo galleries, digital images, animations, and websites.
Ø Students will also expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology
Ø Students will be introduced to basic models, definitions, and approaches to communication technology
MRCT508 Computed Tomography (CT) Techniques I
The course includes, CT imaging requirements and this includes covering the CT physical principles, quality assurance and the technique of CT examinations of the (neurovascular system, abdomen pelvic) and patient manipulation for body systems.
MRCT703 Computed Tomography (CT) Techniques II
This course is applied to stress on the different CT techniques of the (chest, cardiovascular system) and the technical variation required producing an optimal 3D reconstruction images and virtual CT.
MRCTI806 Computed Tomography (CT) Techniques III
This course is designed to provide the students with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform the CT techniques of the blood vessels (CTA) and teaches the students to beneficially use what they had learned in the previous CT courses.
MRDR620 Dental Radiology technique
This course is designed to provide student with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to understand the dental anatomy, radiological modalities and the different dental examination technique.
MRER603 Emergency Radiology technique I
This course is designed to provide the student with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the different radiological examination techniques, the special care procedures and the precautions which should be considered during examinations for trauma patients.
MRFUND402 Fundamentals of Radiology technique
The students are introduced to the different radiological branches, the role of radiology in the medical fields with introduction to the common modalities in diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, radio-therapy, Body Planes, Projections, Radiographic Recording Devices (RIS-PACs), Radiological Examinations (indications & patient preparations) and Radiation protection principles.
MRIA 502 Image Quality Assessment
This course provides the student with the theoretical and practical assessment of the image quality parameters and its applications in different radiological examination images.
MRIC304 Infection control
The course focuses on introducing the policies and procedures used to minimize the risk of spreading infections especially in hospitals and medical centers and clinics. The course stresses also on the methodology of disinfection and waste management
MRINT705 Interventional Radiology technique
This course is designed to introduce to the students the vascular system radiological anatomy, the different modalities that are used in the interventional examinations, the different interventional procedures and its application in the different interventional techniques.
MRMRI607 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Techniques I
This course is designed to provide the students with the theoretical knowledge and basics of the MRI techniques and also provides the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform the MRI examinations of (brain, spine, abdomen, Knee and pelvic).
MRMRI701 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Techniques II
The course includes covering the application of quality assurance in MRI unit and the using of different MRI techniques in medical problems .This course is designed to provide the students with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform the MRI techniques of the joints (Shoulder, FMRI, MRIP, ankle, wrist, elbow and the hip), and apply the practical considerations in the related unit with considering the additional projections, equipment handling, and all other parameters and completing the procedure will record the lab work in logbook.
MRMRI704 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Techniques III
This course is designed to provide the students with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform the MRI techniques of the blood vessels (MRA) and teaches the students to beneficially use what they had learned in the previous MRI courses.
MRNM404 Nuclear Medicine technique I
The students are introduced to the nature of radionuclides and the modes of their production helping them to understand the application of labeling radiopharmaceuticals in different nuclear medicine examinations and the course also includes the different nuclear medicine techniques.
MRNM606 Nuclear Medicine technique II
This course is designed to provide the student with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the different nuclear medicine examination techniques and methods of application of radiation protection in nuclear medicine department.
MRP305 Radiation Protection
The students are introduced to the basic principles of radiation hazards and protection and its applications aiming at protection of health professionals (technologist, the patient and the community against the radiation hazards
MRPED540 Pediatric Radiology technique
This course is applied to help the students to understand the application of the different radiological examinations (conventional x-ray, CT, ultrasound and MRI examinations) for Pediatrics using different radiological modalities and understanding the special procedures that is applied in pediatric radiology.
MRPET407 Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Techniques
The course includes covering the PET physics, quality assurance and the using of different PET techniques in medical problems and patient manipulation for diagnostic imaging of body systems. And this course also provides the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform the different PET examinations.
MRRAD702 Radiotherapy technique I
This course is applied to give the students an introduction about the action of different ionizing radiation (x-rays – gamma rays) radiotherapy department, treatment planning, simulator, treatment aids, different radiotherapy equipment, staff and patient manipulation for diagnostic radiotherapy.
MRRAN408 Systemic Anatomy
A full course which uses a systems approach to study the gross anatomical structures of the human body, Systems covered include the central, peripheral nervous systems, special senses, skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine, urinary and reproductive systems
MRRB420 Radiobiology technique I
This course is designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the radiobiological effects of ionizing radiation on cellular and tissue levels, acute cellular effects, chronic cellular effects, radio sensitivity of cells for different body organs.
MRRB450 Radiobiology technique II
This course is designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the effects of radiation on normal and malignant cells, factors that modify radiation response, linear energy transfer, relative biological effectiveness and radio sensitivity
MRRES809 Research Project
Oral and written presentations on topics of current radiological interest based on literature search the students get acquainted with literature search and oral presentations with the major topics in radiology. The students are encouraged to the library including the electronic one to prepare a thesis under direct supervision of the relevant staff. The course varies according to the current topics selected by the supervisors each year.
MRRP706 Basics of Radiopathology technique I
This course is designed to provide the student with the theoretical knowledge to the pathology of the (chest, heart, mediastinum and lymphatic system) and its appearance in the radiological images.
MRRP807 Basics of Radiopathology technique II
This course provides the student with the theoretical knowledge to the pathology of the (neurovascular system and its appearance in the radiological images.
MRRPH406 Radiation Physics
This course is designed to provide student with theoretical knowledge and practical experience of the radiation physics, its applications in different radiological branches, dose calculations and the effect of radiation on staff, patients and environment.
MRRT400 Radiotherapy technique II
This course aims to continue teaching students about of action of different ionizing radiation (x-rays – gamma rays) radiotherapy department, treatment planning, simulator, treatment aids, different radiotherapy equipment, staff, And patient manipulation for diagnostic radiotherapy.
MRTECH405 Radiological Techniques I (Chest – Upper and Lower Extremes)
This course is designed to provide student with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform radiographic examinations of (upper and lower extremity, chest), shoulder girdle, pelvis and sacroiliac joint. Under guidance in radiography unit’s student will practice on patient regarding the part positioning for routine and additional projections, equipment handling, selecting exposure factors and all other parameters and completing the procedure by exposure and processing exposed film. Any technical errors noted on processed film will be corrected by repeat examination to gain accuracy. Student will record the lab work in logbook.
MRTECH506 Radiological Techniques II (Skull – Spine)
This course is designed to provide student with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform radiographic examinations of skull and spine. Under guidance in radiography unit’s student will practice on patients regarding and part positioning for routine and additional projections, equipment handling, selecting exposure factors and all other parameters and completing the procedure by exposure and processing exposed film. Any technical errors noted on processed film will be corrected by repeat examination to gain accuracy. Student will record the lab work in logbook.
MRUSD507 Ultrasound (US) and Doppler Techniques I
The course includes, ultrasound physics, components of ultrasound machines, probes, the advanced ultrasound technology, Sonoanatomy and techniques of ultrasound examinations of (Hepatobiliary system, Pancreas, urinary system and spleen).
MRUSD601 Ultrasound (US) and Doppler Techniques II
This course provides the student with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to perform sonographic examinations of (salivary glands, scrotum, thyroid gland and pancreas), Doppler physics, and different Doppler protocols. And also introduced to pathological manifestation on the conventional ultrasound and Doppler images on these examinations and the technical variation required.
MRWIT804 Women Imaging technique
This course is applied to help the students to understand the application of the different women radiological techniques (mammography – obstetrics and gynecology) for women using different radiological modalities.
Elective Radiology and Medical Imaging technology Requirements
ERANA410 Radiological Anatomy II
This course is applied to provide the students with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to understand the gross and sectional anatomy of the body systems (nervous system, respiratory system, genital system, cardiovascular system, joints and muscles in different radiological examinations.
ERARP530 Applications of Radiation Protection
This course is designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to radiation protection principles and its applications in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology departments.
ERCE901 Contrast Examinations techniqueII
This course includes dealing with possible complications and the indications, contraindications and technique of different contrast examinations including IVU, HSG and barium examinations.
ERELR600 Ethics and Laws in Radiology
This course provides the students with the ethics and law related to the practice of radiology and medical imaging. An introduction to terminology, concepts and principles will be presented. Students will examine a variety of ethical and legal issues found in clinical practice.
ERER709 Emergency Radiology technique II
This course is designed to provide the student with the theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the different radiological examination techniques, the special care procedures and the precautions which should be considered during examinations for trauma patients.
ERMQA630 Quality Assurance in Radiology
This course is designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to study of quality assurance concepts and application for radiology departments includes evaluation of different imaging modalities.
ERPARI560 PACs & RIS in Radiology
This course is designed to provide the students with theoretical knowledge and practical experience to the picture archiving and communication system (PACs) and radiological information system in radiology.
ERRM601 Radiation Measurements technique
The course is designed to introduce the students to the different radiation measurements principles and techniques which applied in radio diagnosis and radiotherapy departments