Duties and specializations of the Committee of Training and Social Responsibility
1. Raising awareness about the duties of the unit in internal and external communities
2. Achieving social content regarding graduates’ specifications, and the objectives and functions of the corporation.
3. Identifying training needs
4. Supervising the process of printing and releasing the brochures and issues of the unit and the corporation as a whole.
5. Releasing and printing the components of the accreditation file along with everything that represents the corporation.
6. Contacting external parties to support and activate the situation of the corporation
7. Contacting the graduates’ follow-up office to take part in the evaluation of the monitoring process, graduates’ satisfaction – especially expatriates.
8. Raising awareness of the role of the committee of academic research integrity in the corporation in the light of the ethical terms of the university.
9. Spreading the values which support the work system and identifying the mutual values which need to be adopted in the strategic plan to activate the corporation’s policies in accordance with its mission and vision.