October 6 University Team, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology: Biotechnology Program Wins the Scientific Competition: SOLE
English 1 uploads/AHST/%D9%84%D8%BA%D9%87%20%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AC%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%B2%D9%8A%D9%87%20%D9%A1%20%D9%A2%D9%A1%D9%A2%D9%A4.pd
Ethics and Laws in Radiology uploads/AHST/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AE%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%82%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84
Optical Biomedical Instrumentation uploads/AHST/%D8%A7%D8%AC%D9%87%D8%B2%D9%87%20%D8%A8%D8%B5%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%87.pdf Computer 1 up
As part of the college's keenness to provide all the various training opportunities and create opportunities for cooperation with th
Immunology and Serology techniques uploads/AHST/%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%85%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%B9%D9%87%20%D9%88%D8
Biophysics 1 uploads/AHST/%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A1%20%D8%AD%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%87%20%D9%A3%D9%A0%D9%A4.pdf uploads/A
General Anatomy for Technologists uploads/AHST/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%AD%20%D9%A2%D9%A2%D9%A3%D9%A1%20%D8%8C%20%D9
Introduction to Medical Engineering uploads/AHST/%D9%85%D9%82%D8%AF%D9%85%D9%87%20%D9%87%D9%86%D8%AF%D8%B3%D9%87%20%D8%B7%D8%A8%D9%
Basics of Microbiology uploads/AHST/%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%A8%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AC%D9%89%20%D9%A2%D9%A0%D9%A1%D
💐💐Congratulations💐💐 Prof. Dr. Dina Ezzat,, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology
Biochemistry I uploads/AHST/%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A1%20%D8%AD%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D9%A4%D9%A0%D9%A0
Radiation Physics uploads/AHST/%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A1%20%D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%B9%D8%A7%D8%B9%D9%8A%D9%87%20%D9%A4%D9%A0%D9%
Physiology uploads/AHST/%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AC%D9%89%20%D9%A4%D9%A0%D9%A1%D9%A0.pdf uploads/AHST/%D9%81%D9%8A%
Recombinat DNA Technology uploads/AHST/%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%86%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%A7%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%B
Organic Chemistry uploads/AHST/%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A1%20%D8%B9%D8%B6%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%A91.pdf uploads/AHST/2%D9%83%D9%
Biomechanical Systems uploads/AHST/%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%85%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%83%D
General Chemistry uploads/AHST/%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%8A%D8%A9.pdf
The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology announces a two-day training course entitled: "Introduction to Programming" The
Within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology and Egypt Innovator
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, President of of October 6 University, and Prof. Dr. Eman Al-Azizi, Vice President of the Un
Participation of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology: Technology of Nutrition and Food Safety Program in the aware
College participation in the chess championship today
Invitation: The Biomedical Equipment Technology Program at the Faculty of Ap
The College of Applied Health Sciences Technology announces holding a workshop entitled: Phlebotomy Workshop (Blood samp
A team from the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology participated in the medical convoy organized by the Community Service and En
Based on the mission of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology and our keenness to provide distinguished health services to fa
Training of Biotechnology Program students, level 4, in CEB laboratories Workshop entitled: In vitro Fertilization Under t
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Zaki Badr - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of 6th of October University, Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Gh
Training of second-year students of the Technology of Nutrition and Food Safety Program within the Animal Health Research Institute: W
Shots from the college football team's participation against the Faculty of Dentistry team in the university-level five-a-side tournament.
The Youth Care Administration announces the holding of qualifying tests to join the university volleyball team for male and female st
A team from the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology: Department Technology of Nutrition and Food Safety visited the Japanese Sc
Youth Care of October 6 University Literary Competition Novel Competition
Youth Care of October 6 University Literary Competition Short Story Competition
Youth Care of October 6 University Literary Competition Poetry Competition
As an extension of the series of health campaigns carried out by the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology for the benefit of univ
Effective participation of students of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology in the sports activity for the year 2024/2025, on
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr Dina Ezzat, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology and the Vice Deans, Prof. Dr. Manal Ha
The beginning of the first semester (Fall 2024-2025) The Dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology at October
🌟 Important alert for new students! 🌟 October 6 University - Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology Invites you to
بمناسبة المولد النبوي الشريف، تتقدم كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحية التطبيقية بأطيب التهاني إلى أسرة الكلية وطلابها الأعزاء، وإلى الأمة الإسل
IMED إمتدادا لتنفيذ بروتوكول التعاون بين كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحية التطبيقية جامعة 6 أكتوبر وشركة وممثلها في مصر شركة سمارت
Under the supervision of Dr. Samar Al-Qassim, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology A workshop for students of the Biotechnology pro
The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences participated in the comprehensive development caravan for the Nahya region in Giza o
The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology at October 6 University announces its need to appoint assistant Teachers in t
برعاية ا.د. جمال سامى رئيس جامعة ٦ اكتوبر وأ.د. هشام تمراز نائب رئيس الجامعه لشئون خدمة البيئه وتنميه المجتمع وتحت اش
احتفلت كليتى تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحيه وكلية الحاسبات ونظم المعلومات بعيد الام تحت اشراف الساده عمداء الكليتين والساده وكلاء شئون خدم
تم عمل ورشة عمل بعنوان" تحديات الحفاظ على الوزن" بكلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحيه يوم الثلاثاء ٢١ مارس تحت اشراف ا.د. اس
تحت اشراف ا. د. اسماعيل حجازى عميد كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحيه ولجنة خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئه باشراف ا.م.د. امل صبرى عثمان وكي
قامت كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحيه تحت اشراف ا. د. اسماعيل حجازى عميد كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحيه ولجنة خدمة المجتمع وتنمية
تم عمل مسابقة الطالب المثالى لطلاب كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحيه يوم الثلاثاء ٧/ ٣/ ٢٠٢٣ بمكتب عميد الكليه وتحت اشراف سيادته
قامت كلية تكنولوجيا العلوم الصحيه بالمشاركه ف القافله الطبيه بقرية برطس اوسيم يوم الثلاثاء ٧ مارس تحت اشراف ا.د. اسماعيل
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President of the University f
Under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr. Ismail Hegazy, Vice Dean for Community Service and Head of the Nutrition Dep
The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the College of Applied Health Sciences Technology participated in the medic
Under the supervision of a. Dr.. Ismail Hegazy, Dean of the College of Health Sciences Technology and the Community Service and Environme
Under the auspices of the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, an awareness lecture entitled "Infection Control
Attending a symposium "We will make it beautiful" under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of October 6 University
A workshop for students of the Nutrition Department on the dangers of air pollution ON 28/11/2022
Students of the medical laboratories and nutrition departments participated in the medical convoy that was held On Tuesday, corresponding
A seminar symposium was held on defining the importance of sustainable development and its vital role in limiting climate changes, taking in
Mid-Term Exam at the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology, 6th of October University
Graduation project activities for the Biomedical Equipment Program, corresponding to Wednesday 23/3/2022, with the aim of presentin
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of October 6 University, Prof. Dr. Ali Abdel Aziz, Vice President for Grad
The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology participated in the medical
The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty of Health Sciences Technology, under the supervision of the Dean
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of Sixth of October University, and under the supervision of Dr. Ismail
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of October 6 University, & Prof. Dr. Ismail Hegazy, Dean of the Faculty of Applie
The participation of students of the Nutrition Technology and Food Safety Program at the College of Health Sciences Technology today in the
Praise be to God, today, Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the first annual student conference of the Biotechnology Program was held -
Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Health Sciences Technology and the Community Service and Environmental Development Secto
Under the patronage of the Dean & Sector for Community Services & Environmental Development together with the head of the Biomedci
The College of Applied Health Sciences Technology congratulates the gentlemen Prof. Muhammad Adallah Hussein Dr. Moham
In response to the initiative of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to eliminate obesity and under the patronage
Welcoming ceremony for new students at the Faculty of Health Sciences Technology today, October 11, 2021 at the 4010 Amphitheater at 9 am.
Cooperation between the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences, Fontys, in the Kingdom of the Nethe
The Faculty of Medical Sciences organizes a workshop on Corona Virus Coronavirus (COVID-19) The Faculty of Medical Sciences organizes a
Within the framework of international cooperation between the October 6 University and Fontys University in the Netherlands,a stu
Department of Radiology organized a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer, starting
The Nursing Department of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences participated in the Tanta University International Conference for
Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ismail Hegazy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences and ragaa ali Vice Dean for Nursing
The annual student conference was held on Wednesday, 24/4/2019, under the auspices of Prof. Ismail Hegazy, the faculty dean. In the
The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences congratulates student: Mohamed Gamal Hosni for his winning in the ideal student
The contest of the ideal student for the academic year 2018-2019 for the faculty of medical sciences had been held on Wednesday 20.3
The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences held A ceremony honoring the students of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences who passed
The community service team of Applied Medical Sciences in October 6 University has participated in a medical convoy with other me
The community service committee faculty of Applied Medical Sciences under the supervision of prof. Amal Sabry Othman, vice dean o
A scientific trip to the University of Fontys in Netherlands (Eindhoven) is finished with participation of three female students f
Under the auspices of Prof. Ismail Hijazi Dean of the Faculty, the Elections of the Student Union to choose the secretaries of the stu
The face of Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences family Congratulates Prof. Amal Sabry Othman for becoming ViceDean, Community Serv
The community service team had participated in a medical convoy with other faculties of October 6 university under supervi
There is no vacation on the next Thursday 11-9-2018, the summer exams in this date will hold on it's time as in the exam table
The Faculty of Applied Medical sciences performed a medical survey for detection of the presence of Hepatitis B and C To The
had been held on Monday 2.4.2018 at 12.00 pm in the presence of the evaluation committee formed by Prof.Dr. Ismail Hegazy the faculty
HE Laurens Westhoff Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Egypt witnessed the graduation ceremony of 37 graduates of th
The second term of the professional Diploma of Medical Sciences starts at The third week of March 2018, which is taught by facu
The faculty will hold a ceremony for the students of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences participating in the Fontys University
The faculty of Applied Medical Sciences will hold the annual student conference on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, in the presence of de
A delegation from Alqalam University, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences - Katsina City, Nigeria, visited the Faculty of Applied
The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, October 6 University, organized on Wednesday 28-2-2018 a scientific symposium entitled &quo
On 8/1/2018 the Ministry of Health issued a license to practice the profession for graduates of the Faculty of Applied Medical Scienc
The community service committee represented by faculty staff and students paid a field visit to El-Nasr Company for Interme
A Delegation of the European Union (The Tempus Project), which includes Prof. Amarouti, Prof. Diana from the University of Genoa, I
The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences held the Orientation s Day for the newcomers of the academic year 2017-2018, on Monday, 25/9/2017,
Prof. Ismail Hegazy, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, congratulates, faculty members, the assisting staff members
Medical laboratory specialists are required to work in a series of medical laboratories at Sheikh Zayed and Hadaeq Al-Ahram For those
The delegation members comprised: Prof. Ismail Hegazy, Faculty Dean Prof. Mohammed Abdullah, Vice Dean for Post Graduate Studies
The dean of the faculty of Applied Medical Sciences & the vice dean together with a group of students will participate
The family of Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences sincerely congratulates demonstrator. Taher Saeed for promot
The family of Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences sincerely congratulates: Dr. Amal Sabry for promotion to the rank of Assistant Pr
The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences announces the start of a comprehensive survey for the university employees within the act
The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences announces the establishment of the Annual Student Conference on Tuesday 25/4/2017 Unde
The youth welfare in faculty of applied medical sciences had organized the contest of ideal student for the academic year 2016-2017 on Tues
The First Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medical Applied Sciences entitled: "The New in Integrative Medicine
The Community Service Committee participated in the Orphan’s Day activities organized by Out Box Family at Emad Raghb orphans H
The contest of the Ideal Student for the academic year 2015-2016 for the Faculty of Medical Sciences was held on Wednesday 30.3.2016
Faculty of Medical Applied Sciences, led by Prof. Ismail Hegazy, Dean of the Faculty and staff mambers congratulate Dr. Mona ElNiklawy, Med
Important announcement Faculty of Medical Sciences will hold a seminar entitled (Prospects of Getting Rid of the Hepatitis with New Dru
In cooperation with "Out Box" family, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, 6 October University, Anti-Harassment Movement he
The final football match of the first internal football league in the faculty of applied medical sciences had been held in the last
Important announcement Faculty of Medical Sciences held a seminar under the title: (Hopes of getting rid of the hepatitis
The first internal football championship in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences for the academic year 2015-2016 will be held
A full training for the first football team of the faculty of applied medical sciences had been held on Monday 23-11-2015 at 1 to 3 o&
The delivery of collaborative certificate with fontys university of Applied Sciences has been celebrated on 30 September 2015 in
Symposium tilted “ Discussion around academic standards (NARS)” has been organized on 25/3/2015 at lecture room (1) at the fa
Symposium tilted “How to write curriculum vitae (CV)” has been organized on 22/03/2015 at lecture room (2) at the faculty of applied medical
The Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences Congratulates two of her graduates for obtaining a (PhD) degree The college is honored that they
A workshop on safety & occupational health for academic staff has been organized on 24/09/2014 by the Quality Assurance Unit. The target
The academic program for the mastership in medical biochemistry in collaboration with the faculty of post-graduate study, Bani Sweif
Workshop titled: Methods and design of scientific research The target group included all the assistant staff works at the faculty of
Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences Quality Unit The quality unitin the faculty had arranged a seminar to increase the awarenessto