About Faculty of Physical Therapy – October 6 University
Faculty of Physical Therapy – October 6 University was founded in 1996 as one of the first faculties that received presidential approval no. (243 for the year 1996) in 27th July, 1996. The faculty affairs are held according to laws no. (101 for or the year 1992).
Faculty of Physical Therapy – October 6 University is considered the most established private physical therapy faculty and the 2nd oldest faculty in the region. The faculty started to utilize the credit hour system since the academic year 2013/2014. Continuous development of our academic program is thoroughly done regularly in order to maintain our well esteemed status and provide the best physical therapy education.
We adopt a comprehensive scientific approach in our educational policies as we strive to graduate the student with the adequate knowledge and skills required by the Egyptian, Arabian, African and global labor market. This was achieved by plans and curriculums developed by the most renowned physical therapy professors in Egypt.
Our hard work throughout the previous years were crowned with success as we received the institutional accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) by decision no. (190) in 17th June, 2019. This accomplishment made us the first private physical therapy faculty to receive the institutional accreditation in Egypt.
Faculty of Physical Therapy – October 6 University will remain the pioneer of private universities sector in Egypt.
1. Department of Basic Sciences
2. Department of Biomechanics
3. Department of Physical Therapy for Internal diseases
4. Department of Physical Therapy for Orthopedics
5. Department of Physical Therapy for Women's health
6. Department of Physical Therapy for Surgery
7. Department of Physical Therapy for Neurology
8. Department of Physical Therapy for Pediatrics
