Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology

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Technology of Biomedical Equipment Program

رسالة البرنامج
تعليم الطلاب وتزويدهم بالعلوم والمعرفة بالأجهزة الحيوية الطبية بأفضل نوعية وجودة، لتأهيل كفاءات مُبتكرة ومتطورة مهارياً وعلمياً وسلوكياً. وتسهيل ودعم البحث العلمي لما فيه فائدة المجتمع
أهداف البرنامج
1-    اعداد أخصائيين من ذوي الخلفية الطبية الجيدة للعمل في مجال صيانة وتسويق الأجهزة الطبية من كافة البلدان.
2-    العمل على تطوير البحوث الخاصة بتعديل وتحسين الأسس التكنولوجية التي تعمل عليها الأجهزة الطبية.
3-    العمل على تكثيف استخدام الحاسب الآلي في كافة المجالات الطبية وذلك بتحديث البرمجيات القائمة وتطويرها.
4-    العمل على توفير تعليم عالي الجودة يركز على الاستخدام الفعال لتكنولوجيا المعلومات.
5-    ومواكبة التطور الذي يحصل في تقنياتها.
6-    اعداد خريج قادر على القيام بأعمال الصيانة الوقائية والدورية ومعايرة الأجهزة وضمان الجودة ودقة تعقب واكتشاف الأعطال.
السمات التنافسية للبرنامج
1-    برنامج الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية من أقدم البرامج بين الجامعات الحكومية والخاصة المصرية من حيث النشأة.
2-    زيادة حجم سوق العمل لخريجي البرنامج بالكلية وخاصة بعد حصول الخريج على لقب اخصائي في تخصص الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية.
3-    وجود بروتوكولات تعاون أكاديمي وعلمي مع جامعة فونتس الهولندية لتبادل الخبرات التعليمية.
4-    وجود خبرات متميزة أكاديميا وعلميا حيث بعض أعضاء هيئة التدريس حصلوا على جوائز الدولة التقديرية والتشجيعية للأبحاث العلمية المتميزة.
5-    المشاركة المجتمعية الفعالة من قبل اعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلاب من خلال ندوات التوعية الصحية وندوات متنوعة في موضوعات مختلفة والقوافل العلاجية في محافظات الجمهورية وبداخل الكلية.
6-    قاعات ومعامل تخصصية متميزة بقسم الرياضيات والفيزياء الحيوية الطبية والدوائر الكهربائية والإلكترونيات ومجهزة لاستيعاب 25 طالب مما يساعد في تطوير العملية التعليمية.
7-    تتوافر وحدة ذات طابع خاص لخدمة المجتمع وقضايا التنمية والتي من شأنها تعظيم قد راتها في توفير موارد متجددة للكلية من خلال التعاون مع مواقع الإنتاج والخدمات بالمجتمع.
8-    يتميز البرنامج بالتطوير السريع والمستمر في مجال الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية مما يؤثر على الخريج من حيث التحصيل المثمر للمهارات والمعرفة.
مواصفات خريج الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
1-    تطبيق اساسيات العلوم الطبية والمعرفة في الرياضيات والعلوم الأساسيات الطبية ومفاهيم التكنولوجيا لتحديد مشاكل الأجهزة الحيويه الطبية وايجاد الحلول المناسبة لها.
2-    تطبيق مبادئ القيادة والإدارة والتقنيات والأليات لتعزيز وتوجيه الرعاية خلال ممارسة العلوم الطبية ونشر الوعي الطبي في الصيانة الوقائية.
3-    اجراء التجارب بالإضافة الى تحليل وتفسير البيانات.
4-    التواصل الفعال أثناء العمل ضمن فرق متعددة التخصصات.
5-    الإحاطة بمردود الحلول التكنولوجية على المجتمع والبيئة.
6-    توضيح المعرف الخاصة بقضايا التكنولوجيا المعاصرة.
7-    عرض المسئوليات المهنية والأخلاقية والفهم الحقيقي لها.
8-    الاندماج في التعلم مدى الحياة.
9-    استخدام اجمالي معرفته لتوفير الرأي في الاختيار، التشغيل، الاشراف على الأداء، اختبار وصيانة الأجهزة الطبية في محيط العمل بالمستشفيات.
أعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة بالبرنامج
ا.م.د/ هالة مصطفي
 رئيس برنامج الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
أ.م/ منى النكلاوي
أستاذ مساعد الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية 
د/ محمد سيد منصور
مدرس الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
د/ محمد بندق
 مدرس الهندسة الطبية
د/ أحمد محمد مورو
مدرس الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
د/ ابتسام عبود عبدالوهاب
مدرس الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
م/ عمرو احمد 
معيد ببرنامج الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
م/ مهجة حسن
م/ أميرة العسيلي
معيد ببرنامج الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
معيد ببرنامج الاجهزة الحيوية الطبية
الخطة الاكاديمية: -
متطلبات برنامج تكنولوجيا الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية
1-    متطلبات البرنامج الاجبارية (ME)
يجب ان يجتاز الطالب من متطلبات البرنامج الاجبارية 70 ساعات معتمدة للمقررات التالية:
Number of Credit Hours
Course Name
Course Code
Applied Mathematics-I
Iرياضة تطبيقية-
Applied Mathematics-II
رياضة تطبيقية-II
Biomedical Electronics I
Iالالكترونيات الحيوية-
Biological Control Systems
وسائل التحكم في الأجهزة
Biomedical Electronics II
الالكترونيات الحيوية-II
Biomedical Equipment I
الاجهزة الحيوية الطبية I
Biomedical Microcontroller Applications
التطبيقات الحيوية الطبية للمتحكم متناهي الصغر
Biomedical Modeling & Simulation
النماذج والمحاكاة الحيوية الطبية
Biomechanical Systems
نظم الميكانيكا الحيويه
Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation
اجهزة المعامل الاكلينيكية
Communication technology
تكنولوجيا اتصالات
Digital Circuits & Systems
الانظمة والدوائر الرقمية
Electrical Circuits
الدوائر الكهربائية
Electronic circuits
الدوائر الإلكترونية
Infection control
التحكم في العدوي
Radiation protection
الوقاية من الاشعاع
Electrical Machines in Biomedical Equipment
الألأت الكهربائية فيالأجهزة الطبية
Fault Detection and Preventive Maintenance
اكتشاف الاعطال والصيانة الوقائية
Graduation Project
مشروع التخرج
Hospital Design
تصميم مستشفيات
Instruments & Electrical Measurements
الأجهزة والقياسات الكهربائية
Medical Biomaterials
المواد الحيوية الطبية
Medical Informatics
نظم المعلومات
MEBE 605
Biomedical Equipment II
الاجهزة الحيوية الطبية II
Optical Biomedical Instrumentation
أجهزة طبية بصرية
Principles of Mech. Biomed. Instrumentation
ميكانيكا الأجهزة الطبية الحيوية
Physiological Signal Instrumentation
أجهزة الاشارات الفسيولوجية
Signal and digital image Processing
معالجة الاشارة والصورة الرقمية
Therapeutic & Prosthetic Devices-I
Iالاجهزة العلاجية والتعويضية-
METP 602
Therapeutic & Prosthetic Devices II
الاجهزة العلاجية والتعويضية-II
Technology of Anesthesia and Ventilator
تكنولوجيا التنفس الصناعي والتخدير
Total 70 Credit Hours
2-    متطلبات البرنامج الاختيارية (EE)
يجب ان يجتاز الطالب من متطلبات البرنامج الاجبارية 70 ساعات معتمدة للمقررات التالية:
Number of Credit Hours
Course Name
Course Code
Artificial intelligence
الذكاء الاصطناعي
Clinical Engineering
الهندسة الاكلينيكية
Communication Skills
مـهـارات الاتـصـــال
Electromagnetic Fields
المجالات الكهرومغناطيسية
Fundamentals of Management
أســـس الإدارة
Hospital Safety
السلامة في المستشفى
Introduction to Cosmetic Equipment's
مقدمة في علوم التجميل
Molecular Sensors and Nano-devices
حساسات واجهزة في مجال النانو
Solar Energy
الطاقة الشمسية
Courses Brief Description
Mandatory Biomedical Equipment Technology Requirements (ME)
متطلبات برنامج تكنولوجيا الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية الاجباري
Course Name: Applied Mathematics-I
Course Code: MEAM402
Course Description:
Complex numbers. Determinants and Matrices. Simultaneous linear equations. Trigonometric, Exponential, and logarithmic functions. Number systems and conversion.
Course Name: Applied Mathematics-II
Course Code: MEAM503
Course Description:
Introduction to Boolean algebra. Derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions. Maxima and minima of functions. Definite and indefinite integration. Infinite series, analytical and solid geometry. Vector analysis
Course Name: Biomedical Electronics I
Course Code: MEBA502
Course Description:
This course focuses on the basics of digital electronics which starts by introduction to the digital and analog systems, digital circuits, parallel and serial transmission. It also deals with logic gates and Boolean algebra, design of combinational logic circuits, Memory, analog to digital conversion and vice versa, some application to biomedical devices will also be covered
Course Name: Biological Control Systems
Course Code: MEBC702
Course Description:
Models of physical systems. Root-locus and frequency response analysis. Biomedical applications.
Course Name: Biomedical Electronics II
Course Code: MEBE604
Course Description:
This course is an advance electronic which focus on integrated circuits and application to biomedical instrumentation. It starts with introduction to integrated circuits, and then it deals with operational amplifier, such as summing amplifier, inverter, non-inverting amplifier, integrator, differentiator, comparator, Oscillator, instrumentation amplifier and analog active filters.
Course Name: Biomedical Equipment I
Course Code: MEBE605
Course Description:
This course provides an understanding of the basics knowledge and main principles about medical imaging equipment such as ultrasound, MRI, CT, GAMMA camera and image intensifier.
Course Name: Biomedical Microcontroller Applications
Course Code: MEBM704
Course Description:
This course focuses on the design, fabrication, and operation of micro sensors for biomedical applications. The course begins with an overview of sensing concepts in general (sensitivity Vs selectivity, linearity, drift, etc.) and then covers measurement and detection limits. Then it covers sensing methods. There is a discussion of micro fabrication techniques as they apply to micro sensors, for silicon-based devices and organic devices. Microarrays are also introduced. Finally, the course finishes with a discussion of state-of-the-art point-of-care devices and discussions of FDA regulations.
Course Name: Biomedical Modeling & Simulation
Course Code: MEBM802
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to introduce the general theory of modeling and simulation of a variety of systems: physical processes, computer systems, biological systems, and natural processes.
Course Name: Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation
Course Code: MECL405
Course Description:
Electronic methods: potentiometric, conductometry, color graphs. Spectrophotometry. Automated chemical analyzer. Chromo ology. Electrophoresis. Hematology.
Course Name: Communication Technology
Course Code: MECT302
Course Description:
This course introduces both elementary and modern forms of Communication engineering systems. Communication engineering systems can be defined as the reliable transmission and reception of information.
This course will develop the student skills in the basic theory and methods associated with Communication Engineering.
Course Name: Digital Circuits & Systems
Course Code: MEDC504
Course Description:
This course covers both software and hardware aspects of an 8086/8088 microcomputer system, including the microprocessor structure, its operation and control, the organization and interface requirements for a microcomputer system, the structures and operations of standard hardware components associated with a microcomputer system, assembly language programming and structure of the machine codes. Lab experiments associated with this course involve assembly program development, digital circuit design, fabrication, and testing.
Course Name: Electrical Circuits
Course Code: EEC401
Course Description:
This course focus on principles of electricity including Resistive circuits, circuits theorems, nodal and mesh analysis, maximum power transfer theorem, source free inductive and capacitive circuits. It also focusses on natural and forced response of RL and RC circuits, RLC circuits, sinusoidal natural and steady state response of RCL circuits, resonance, and introduction to AC quantities.
Course Name: Electronic circuits
Course Code: MEEC603
Course Description:
Diodes and transistors. Rectifier circuits. Transistor as an amplifier and as a switch. Different applications for various types of electronic components.
Course Name: Infection control
Course Code: MERP305
Course Description:
The course focuses on introducing the policies and procedures used to minimize the risk of spreading infections especially in hospitals and medical centers and clinics. The course stresses also on the methodology of disinfection and waste management.
Course Name: Radiation Protection
Course Code: MFORG102
Course Description:
The students are introduced to the basic principles of radiation hazards and protection and its applications aiming at protection of health professionals (technologist, the patient, and the community against the radiation hazards.
Course Name: Electrical Machines in Medical Equipment
Course Code: MEEM404
Course Description:
Transformers, Dc generator and motors: principle of operation, field excitation, armature winding, load characteristics synchronous machines, induction motors. Special machines: stepper motor, reluctance motor, hysteresis motor, power diodes, silicon-controlled rectifier traces, power amplifiers. Control of electric machines UPS system.
Course Name: Fault Detection and Preventive Maintenance
Course Code: MEFD801
Course Description:
This course contains an introduction to printed circuits boards, different design of electronic circuits, troubleshooting. instrument control program, preventive maintenance, failure reporting and recall, instrument selection and evaluation criteria, risk management techniques and resources, part inventory and control, equipment planning for medical facilities, application of computers in maintenance management
Course Name: Graduation Project
Course Code: MEGP706
Course Description:
The project will be performed in teams of 2-4 students under the supervision of faculty staff members. Students are introduced to design, fabrication, and analysis of medicine scale project with demonstration of product feasibility through the development of a prototype.
This course consists of a research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The subject will be decided between the teacher and the students.
Course Name: Hospital design
Course Code: MEHD803
Course Description:
Student will be introduced to the structure within hospital: clinical departments, administration and accounting, nursing, information handling, support services. Quality control: Biomedical engineering department: interaction with physician, interaction with nursing, preventive maintenance program, equipment control programs.
Course Name: Instruments & Electrical Measurements
Course Code: MEIE505
Course Description:
Transducers, signal conditioning, and recording. Displacement measurements: resistor sensors – strain gauge bridge circuit, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, piezoelectric sensors. Temperature measurements: thermocouples, thermistors, radiation thermometry, fiber optic temperature sensors. Optical measurements: radiation sources and sensors, geometrical and fiber optical filters.
Course Name: Medical Biomaterials
Course Code: MEMB606
Course Description:
Mechanical properties of materials. Polymers, metals, ceramics, and composites. Fixation, host response, testing and introduction of new materials. Material retrieval and analysis.
Course Name: Medical Informatics
Course Code: MEMI501
Course Description:
The study of computer technology is continued. Data presentation and structure, development of computer programs in medical equipment are to be stressed upon. DICOM and PACS. Data acquisition and information technology. Radiology Information Systems (RIS), Hospital Information Systems (HIS), and display workstations.
Course Name: Biomedical Equipment II
Course Code: MEMI701
Course Description:
This course provides an understanding of basic knowledge and main principles of endoscopes such as surgical endoscope, flexible endoscope, camera and video processor, light source insufflator and surgical tools.
Course Name: Optical Biomedical Instrumentation
Course Code: MEOP804
Course Description:
Microscopes. Light sources and detectors. Signal conditioning. Monochromatic. Photometry, emission, and absorption spectrometry. Lab. Instrumentation Endoscopy and Laser.
Course Name: Principles of Mech. Biomed. Instrumentation
Course Code: MEPM806
Course Description:
Fluid mechanics, Fluid pressure and its measurements. Hydraulic pumps. Applications of continuity and Bernoulli's equations to measuring devices. Thermodynamics and heat transfer.
Course Name: Physiological Signal Instrumentation
Course Code: MEPS601
Course Description:
In this course physiological signals will be explained. Electrocardiography, electroencephalography, electromyography, and elector graph. Physical, chemical, and biological principles for biomedical measurements. Modular blocks and system integration. Heart sounds, cardiovascular system dynamics. Blood pressure and flow measurements, cardiac output measurements, and respiratory function measurements. Pulse oximetry.
Course Name: Signal and digital image Processing
Course Code: MESI805
Course Description:
Types of signals, signals, and system application of DSP in volume control, equalization and user interface, transformers in the analysis of signal Laplace and funnier transformers and transform. Sampling and reconstruction, sampling theory spectral analysis and structural of digital image preprocessing and post processing. Image restoration and segmentation and filters.
Course Name: Therapeutic & Prosthetic Devices I
Course Code: METP602
Course Description:
This course provides the basic knowledge about electrotherapy equipment, types of electro stimulation equipment, indications and contraindications of electro stimulation, the orthotics of the upper and lower limbs and the spinal support. neuro muscular stimulators, hearing aids, Baby incubators and heart lung machines. Drug delivery devices. Systems (ICU monitors and workstation).
Course Name: Therapeutic & prosthetic Devices II
Course Code: METP705
Course Description:
Principles of operation and design of cardiac pacemakers and electric stimulators. Defibrillators and cardioverters. Hemodialysis. Ventilators. Surgical instruments.
Course Name: Technology of Anesthesia and Ventilator
Course Code: MEVA703
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the main principles and components of anesthesia and ventilator systems. The anesthesia and ventilator systems class are designed for hospital professionals responsible for operating, maintaining and/or repairing anesthesia equipment. A balanced application of practical theory and hands-on exercises provides maximum exposure for learning the operation and maintenance of equipment. The aim of the course is to provide students with an insight into the problems and challenges of medical anesthesia and ventilator systems within a healthcare system.
Elective Biomedical Equipment Technology Requirements (EE)
متطلبات برنامج تكنولوجيا الأجهزة الحيوية الطبية الاختياري
Course Name: Artificial intelligence
Course Code: EEAI873
Course Description:
This course introduces representations, techniques, and architectures used to build applied systems and to account for intelligence from a computational point of view. This course also explores applications of rule chaining, heuristic search, logic, constraint propagation, constrained search, and other problem-solving paradigms. In addition, it covers applications of decision trees, neural nets, Genetic Algorithm, and other learning paradigms.
Course Name: Clinical Engineering
Course Code: EECE874
Course Description:
This is a multi-disciplinary branch of engineering that combines natural and experimental sciences (such as chemistry and physics), along with life sciences (such as biology, microbiology, and biochemistry) plus mathematics and economics to design, develop, produce, transform, transport, operate and manage the industrial processes that turn raw materials into valuable products.
Course Name: Communication Skills
Course Code: EECS875
Course Description:
Perception, learning, motivation, and value; individual differences and work performance; understanding yourself; motivating yourself and others, working within groups, achieving success through goal setting, achieving high personal productivity and quality; achieving rewarding and satisfying career; communicating with people; leading and influencing others; building relationships with supervisors, co-workers, and customers.
Course Name: Electromagnetic Fields
Course Code: EEEF871
Course Description:
The student will be introduced to Electromagnetic waves - Wave containers - Antennas - Wave propagation - Wave sending and receiving - Medical applications at different frequencies in diagnosis and treatment - Electromagnetic waves on cells and human body.
Course Name: Fundamentals of Management
Course Code: EEFM876
Course Description:
Managements concepts, characteristics of successful management, the planning process, setting organization objectives and goals, organization, people and production, decision making, fundamentals of control, control techniques and methods of human resources-management, role of purchasing and materials management in business. Decision making.
Course Name: Hospital Safety
Course Code: EEHS872
Course Description:
Types and hazards in hospitals and their control. Safety principles and standards. Safety program and insurance.
Course Name: Introduction to Cosmetic Equipment's
Course Code: EEIC878
Course Description:
This unique course provides students with specific scientific knowledge and skills in different areas cosmetic equipment's.
Course Name: Molecular Sensors and Nano-devices
Course Code: EEMS877
Course Description:
The students will study the fundamental principles behind the operation of molecular sensors, Nano-devices, and biomedical microsystems elements; and major classes of molecular sensors, (or Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, MEMS). An application of molecular sensors, Nano-devices and biomedical Microsystems is also covered.
Course Name: Solar Energy
Course Code: EESE870
Course Description:
The course gives theoretical and practical aspects, including collector design, modeling of solar systems, economic evaluation of solar alternatives, and photovoltaic. The course offers training on how solar energy works, the difference between solar thermal systems and solar photovoltaic. This online course will provide the student with the fundamental knowledge of photovoltaic system design and installation. It learns the fundamentals of how medical equipment use energy, and how to reduce the energy consumption. Methods of making medical equipment more energy efficient will be covered.