Participation of faculty members and assistants at the Faculty of Nursing with the medical colleges of October 6 University in the me
جانب من تفقد عميد الكليه أ.د/ صباح الشرقاوى والساده الوكلاء لمتابعه سير امتحانات للاسبوع الثالث لنهايه الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام ال
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, a team from the Faculty of Nursing, under the su
Part of the inspection of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, and the deputies to follow up on the progress of th
The activities of the second international conference of the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, were launched on 17 and 18
عزاء واجب إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون " يَا أَيَتها النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ار
From the activities of the meeting of incoming students on Monday 12/9/2024 AD at 2:30 pm in Hall 8505 at the Faculty of Nu
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Hesham Tamraz, Vice President of the Un
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, and under the su
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Amani Sami, Acting Vice Dean of the Co
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, and under the su
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Thuraya Ramadan, Vice Dean of the College for Co
Within the framework of community service, environmental development, health and occupational safety, and securing the work en
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Hesham Tamraz, Vice President of the Un
The Faculty of Nursing participated with a group of faculty members, supporting faculty and students with the colleges of 6th of Oc
Under the patronage of Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty, and under the supervision of Dr. Tharya Ramadan, Vice Dean of th
تحت رعاية الأستاذ الدكتور صباح الشرقاوى عميد الكلية وا.م.د/ ايمان عبد الفتاح مدير وحدة ضمان الجودة قامت لجنة التدريب والللتسجيل فى المؤتمر الدولى الثانى لكليه التمريض
The attendance of faculty members, the assisting body at the Faculty of Nursing, and a group of university students volunteering in th
ورشه عمل انعاش قلب رئوى على هامش المؤتمر الدولى لكليه التمريض جامعه 6 أكتوبر بالتعاون مع الهلال الاحمر المصرى يوم 17
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, the Faculty's Education Development Committee or
حضور حلقة النقاش الخاصة ب Future job & future skills 2035 يوم الثلاثاء ١١/٥ بقاعة ١١٢٦ بكلية الهندسه
Faculty members of the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University attended a workshop entitled "Health Care License & As
Part of the Community Health Nursing Department students organizing the evacuation plan at the Girls' Secondary School in the Se
Dean Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi met with the incoming students and the members of the college’s incoming students’ co
The attendance of faculty members of the Faculty of Nursing at the 7th Annual Baheya Breast Cancer Conference “BBCC 20
The Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing Department, in cooperation with the "Moon" family, under the supervision of Prof. Dr
تتشرف كليه التمريض جامعه 6 أكتوبر بدعوه سيادتكم للمشاركه فى المؤتمر الدولى الثانى تحت عنوان : artificial intellige
مشاركة المعيده هبه صبحي بقسم تمريض صحه الأم وحديثي الولادة بالمشاركه بالحضور في المؤتمر العالمي للسكان والصحة والتنمية البشرية وذلك يو
Fourth-level students, Community Health Nursing major, made a field visit to Vaxera Vaccines and Serums Company as part of the de
The students of the fourth level of community health nursing made a field visit to the Drinking Water and Sewerage Company in Im
Fourth-level students, Community Health Nursing major, made a field visit to Juhayna factories as part of the department's pr
Part of the participation of the Community Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, in the co
Faculty members and students of the College of Nursing, Department of Mental Health Nursing, attended the tenth session of the an
Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, participated in a workshop entitled La
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, the Faculty's Expatriates Committee, headed by Dr
From the activities of the college's sports day for the academic year 2024-2025 AD Under the auspices of
The Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, is honored to invite you to participate in the second international conference en
حمله الهلال الاحمر المصرى بالتعاون مع كليه التمريض للتوعيه باهميه التطوع والعمل الخيري ضمن انشطه اليوم الترحيبى بالطلاب الجدد على مس
تحت رعاية ا. د صباح الشرقاوي عميدة كلية التمريض ا. د ثريا رمضان وكيل الكلية لشؤون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئه 
Prof. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, inspected the regularity of study at the academic levels. Her Excellency praised the co
The organizing committee meeting of the second international conference was held during the period from 17-18/12/2024 under the ti
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing - Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Tharya Ra
Prof. Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, President of the University, and Prof. Daiman Al-Azizi, Vice President of the University for Education an
In the framework of the endeavor to establish new programs and find distinguished job opportunities for graduates in Germany, a me
A meeting of Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, today, Monday, corresponding to 9/23/2024, with the deputies and heads of de
Reviewing the files of the residential courses in the Community Health Nursing Department by the Quality Unit team in the presence of
مراجعة ملفات المقررات المسكنه بقسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة والطوارئ من قبل فريق وحده الجوده فى وجود جميع اعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة ال
Reviewing the files of the nursing courses in the Department of Maternal and Neonatal Health Nursing by the Quality Unit team in th
The Head of the Department of Surgical Nursing, Professor Dr. Naglaa Al-Sayed Mahdi, met on Sunday 9/22/2024 with the faculty me
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, the Education Development Center at the college pr
Reviewing the files of the residential courses in the Department of Surgical Nursing by the Quality Unit team in the presence of th
Meeting of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, with the new teaching assistants on 9/5/2024 to welcome them and urge th
Today's meeting, Wednesday 9/18/2024, College Council for September 2024. Chaired by Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Co
The Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University celebrated the graduation of the first batch of students in the presence of Prof. Dr
Within the framework of the fruitful and continuous cooperation between the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University and 57357 Ho
Visit to the Children's Cancer Hospital (57357) to follow up on the distinguished students of the Faculty of Nursing/6th of October Un
Nominations for the position of Director of the Quality Unit at the College are open starting today for a period of 3 days. Those wi
إعتبارا من يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 20/8/2024 يتم سداد المصروفات الدراسيه للطلبه القدامى للعام الجامعى 2024 -2025 للكليات ال
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, and Prof. Dr. Thuraya Ramadan, Vice Dean of the College for Comm
في ضوء اهتمام ادارة الجامعة بمصلحة الطلاب وإلحاقا بما سبق الإعلان عنه تفيد بان آخر ميعاد لسداد الرسوم الدراسية للفصل الصيفي للعام ال
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University The Continuing Nursing Edu
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, extends its sincere condolences on the death of Prof. Dr. Tahani Al-Senussi, Pr
Payment of tuition fees for the summer semester of the academic year 2023-2024 will begin on Monday 6/24/2024, and the last day for pa
Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, and the administration of the College of Nursing congratulate the successful st
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Yasser Al-Dakrouri, Vice President of the Un
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, and Prof. Samia Adam, Head of the Department of Nursing Ad
The leadership family at the College of Nursing organized a visit to Children’s Hospital 57357 under the auspices of Dr. Sa
The Continuing Nursing Education and Training Unit at the Faculty of Nursing, in cooperation with the Egyptian Red Crescent Society, or
Participation of students from the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, in the International Student Conference of the Fa
Students from the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, participated in the third student meeting of the Faculty of Nu
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi - Dean of the College, the Education Development Center, headed by Assistant Pr
The Human Rights Committee, in cooperation with the Occupational Safety and Health Committee at the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 Un
Participation of students from the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, in the tenth scientific student conference of the Fa
The Continuing Nursing Education and Training Unit - Faculty of Nursing - October 6 University announces the start of registration fo
Under the auspices of A.Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College of Nursing, University of 6 October The Community Health Nursing
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University The Department of Pediatric Nursi
The launch of the activities of the second student forum of the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University Under the patronage of Pr
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, visited Baheya Hospital to treat breast tumors, represented by: Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqa
Within the framework of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University’s efforts to open channels for training students in ho
Presented by Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi The Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, the faculty deans, department
Presented by Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, and the deans of the faculty, de
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi - Dean of the College, the Education Development Center at the college, he
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sabah El-Sharkawy, Dean of the College, the Critical Care and Emergency Nursing Department, he
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of the University October 6, Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President o
Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, attended the International Volunteer Day 2023 ev
The Continuing Nursing Education and Training Unit, in cooperation with the Department of Pediatric Nursing at the Faculty of Nu
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Jamal Sami, President of the University, and Professor Dr. Iman Al-Azizi, Vice President of th
Celebrating International Men's Day Under the auspices of A. Dr.. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, and Prof. M. Dr..
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, participated in the third student conference of the Faculty of Nursing, Helwan Un
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Jamal Sami, President of the University, and Professor Dr. Iman Al-Aziz, Vice President of the Un
The Department of Nursing Administration organized a symposium entitled Entrepreneurship on Thursday, 7/12/2023 The aim of the symp
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University won first place in the community activities competition at the university le
Under the auspices of A. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College of Nursing The College of Nursing participated in the comprehensi
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, the Community Health Nursing Department or
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi - Dean of the College, the Education Development Center at the College, he
Under the auspices of A. Dr. Ahmed Zaki Badr, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of October 6 University &nbs
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College of Nursing, and Prof. Dr. Soraya, Vice Dean of the College fo
Within the community service activities of the Pediatric Nursing Department, and among the activities of awareness-raising convoys fo
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College The Crisis and Disaster Committee, in cooperation with the Oc
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah El-Sharkawy, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, the Internal Surgical Nursing Department or
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, the Department of Pediatric Nursing organized a sy
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Amani Sami, Head of the Department, organized an
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing Department, under the supervision of Ed Amani Sami, Head of the Department, in partnership wit
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of October 6 University, and Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President of the Un
College Sports Day for the academic year 2023-2024 Under the auspices of A. Dr.. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, and
Under the patronage of Ed Jamal Sami, President of the University, and Ed Hisham Tamraz, Vice President of the University for Co
Under the care of A. Dr.. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College Wa. Dr.. Yusriya Abdel Salam Vice Dean fo
October 6 University launches a blood donation campaign for Palestinians Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ahmed Za
With the kind approval of A. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of 6th of October University. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President of the Univ
The College of Nursing held a celebration to welcome new and old students on Saturday, 10/7/2023. Under the care of A. D
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, participated in the activities of the “Expert Patient” conference - Egypti
Within the framework of fruitful and ongoing cooperation between the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University and 57357 Ho
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of October 6 University a. Dr. Iman Al-Azizi, Vice President of the Unive
Under the auspices of Ed Sabah El Sharkawy, Dean of the College, the Continuing Nursing Education and Training Unit, headed by Dr. Am
ن شاء الله تعالى ستعقد الدورة يوم الثلاثاء القادم الموافق 8/8/2023 بمعمل الحالات الحرجة بكلية التمريض مازلت
The celebration of the entire university on October 6, 2023 in the class of July 2023 was held in the presence of A.D. Iman Al
Part of the Nursing Sector Committee's visit to review the material and human capabilities of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 Univ
Prof. Dr. Sabah Saad Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Thoraya Ramadan Abdel-Fattah, Vice Dean for Community Service and Env
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy, Dean of the College. Dr.. Please the Vice-Dean for Education and Student Affairs
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President for Community Service a
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy - Dean of the College, the Education Development Center in the college, headed by P
The students of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, the fourth level, specializing in Community Health Nursing, held a se
The students of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, the fourth level, specializing in Community Health Nursing, held a sy
The students of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, the fourth level, specializing in Community Health Nursing, conducted a
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of October 6 University, and Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President for Co
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy, Dean of the College of Nursing, the Crisis and Disaster Committee organized a sym
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy, Dean of the College and Prof. Dr. Thuraya Ramadan, Vice Dean for Community Se
The Department of medical Surgical Nursing at the College of Nursing organized a symposium entitled "Artificial Inte
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of October 6 University, and Prof. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President for Communi
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, participated through a group of college students in the student conference of the Fa
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy - Dean of the College, the Education Development Center at the college, headed by P
تحت رعاية الأستاذة الدكتورة/ صباح الشرقاوى - عميد الكلية نظم مركز تطوير التعليم بالكلية برئاسة أ.م.د./يسرية عبد السلام مدير المركز دو
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy - Dean of the College, the Education Development Center in the college, heade
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy - Dean of the College, the Education Development Center at the college, headed by Prof. Dr
تعلن اداره كليه التمريض عن فتح باب التظلمات ع نتائج الفصل الدراسي الاول للعام الجامعى ٢٠٢٢-٢٠٢٣ وذلك اليوم الموافق ٢٣/٣/٢٠٢٣ وغدا ٢٤
انطلاق فاعليات المؤتمر الدولى الاول لكليه التمريض جامعه 6 أكتوبربالتعاون مع جامعه فونتس الهولنديه و مجلس التمريضى الاردنى و جامعه كاري
Under the auspices of a. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University a. Dr. Hisham Tamraz, Vice President for Community Service and
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, on the ground The participation of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, in th
Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College and Head of the Department of Pediatric Nursing T
The Department of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing organized a celebration International Girl's Day, Monday, October 3
The Department of Community Health Nursing of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, organized a visit to the drinking
The Department of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, organized a symposium for fi
The Department of Community Health Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, organized a visit to 57357 Oncology Hospital,
An awareness symposium on Alzheimer’s disease at the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal
نظم قسم تمريض صحة المجتمع زيارة الي دار الايتام عماد راغب بالحي الرابع بمدينة ٦ اكتوبر وذلك فى ضوء الاحتفال معهم بذكري المولد ال
Within the framework of the preparation for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which will be held in November 2022 in
The Faculty of Nursing at October 6 University, in partnership with the Addiction Control Fund and the Faculty of Economics and Admin
The Crisis and Disaster Committee at the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, organized a symposium for faculty members and st
The Youth Welfare Department at the College of Nursing organized a welcome day for new and old students on Monday 3/10/2022, and th
The Department of Youth Welfare at the Faculty of Nursing organized a sports day for faculty members and students on Monday, 10/10/
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi - Dean of the Faculty, the Education Development Center at the faculty, headed by Prof.
The college administration announces that today, Thursday, is the last day for electronic registration, and starting from Sund
The Administration of the Faculty of Nursing at October 6 University, announces the opening of grievances for the summer semester on T
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, organized a symposium for faculty members entitled the importance of scientific conferen
The Continuing Nursing Education and Training Unit held a series of courses and workshops on communication skills, infection control, cardio
under the auspices of a. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of October 6 University. Dr. Eman Al-Azizi, Vice President for Education and Student
The Continuing Nursing Education and Training Unit announces the holding of a workshop on: First aid .The workshop will be held on 7/26 and
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, participated in the activities of the third student conference of the Faculty of Nursin
The college administration announces that the last date for electronic registration will be next Tuesday and to confirm the regist
Prof. Sabah El Sharkawy, Dean of the College, Prof. Yousrya Abdel Salam, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Teaching Assistant, Mahmou
A delegation from the College of Nursing, October 6 University, visited Baheya Foundation, Sheikh Zayed branch, consisting of Prof. Dean of
under the auspices of a. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Eman Al-Azizi, Vice President of the University for Com
The Department of Pediatric Nursing organized a workshop on cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Wednesday, 5/18/2022, as part of the scient
Prof. Dr. ragaa ali vice dean for Education and Student Affairs and the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology give a lecture
شاركت كليه التمريض جامعه ٦ اكتوبر فى فعاليات المؤتمر الدولى الاول لكليه التمريض جامعه الجلاله وحضر المؤتمر وكيل الكليه لشؤون التعل
under the auspices of a. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College of Nursing The Community Service and Environmental Developme
Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, the university president, signed a cooperation protocol between October 6 University, represented by the Coll
The Youth Welfare Department at the College of Nursing organized a sports day for faculty members and students on Monday 28/3/20
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, participated in the second and first student conference for arrivals to the Faculty of Nursing
under the auspices of a. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University a. Dr. Eman Al-Azizi is acting as Vice President of the Univers
A delegation from the College of Nursing attended the forum of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, which was held at the University of October
under the care of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University a. Dr. Eman Al-Azizi, Vice President fo
The College of Nursing celebrated Mother’s Day on Monday, March 21, 2022, and certificates of appreciation were distributed in
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University, the College of Nursing organized an introductory symposium for f
The College of Nursing organized an introductory symposium for faculty members and the supporting staff on Wednesday 16/3/202
On Thursday, 10/3, the Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, headed by the Dean of the College and the Vice Deans, orga
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El-Sharqawy, Dean of the College of Nursing, and Prof. Ragaa Ali, Vice Dean for Education a
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, participated in the first student conference of the Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal Univers
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El-Sharqawy, Dean of the College of Nursing, and Prof. Ragaa Ali, Vice Dean for Education A
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, participated in the first student conference of the Faculty of Nursing, Misr Universi
The Continuing Nursing Education and Training Unit, a unit of a special nature, organized an introductory meeting for faculty members
The Department of Mental and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, in partnership with the Environment Commi
ببالغ الاسى والحزن تنعى عميد كليه التمريض أ.د/ صباح الشرقاوى والساده الوكلاء واعضاء هيئه التدريس والهيئه المعاونه
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Gamal Sami, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Iman Al-Azizi, Vice President for Education and S
The Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, October 6 University, participated in holding an exhibition entitled “Warm Wint
The critical and emergency departments are organized by Prof. Dr. Yousrya Abdel Salam, and the Internal Surgical Nursing Department is he
A cooperation protocol was made between the College of Nursing and the Life Makers Association on November 14, 2021
The bylaw of the unit of a special nature (continuing nursing education and training unit) in the College of Nursing was approved by the U
The launch of the first health convoys, Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University under the auspices of a. Dr. Gamal Sami, Pre
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College of Nursing, the Education Development Center headed by Prof. Dr. Yo
ببالغ الاسى والحزن تنعى عميد كليه التمريض أ.د/ صباح الشرقاوى والساده الوكلاء واعضاء هيئه التدريس والهيئه المعاونه الاستاذ الدكت
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College and Prof. Ragaa Ali, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affai
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College and Prof. Ragaa Ali, Vice Dean for Education and Student
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College and Department Coordinator, Dr. Shahira Mohamed Metwally,
The activities of the first student conference of the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, kicked off Under the auspices of
The Department of Mental and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, organized a symposium on the dangers o
Within the framework of the activities of the cultural plan for the academic year 2021-2022, the Department of
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi - Dean of the College of Nursing, the Education Development Center at the co
Students of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, fourth level, specializing in Community Health Nursing, held a symposium on
The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector, in cooperation with the Department of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental He
Students of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, fourth level, specializing in Community Health Nursing, conducted a tr
Students of the Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, fourth level, majoring in Community Health Nursing, conducted an e
ينظم قطاع المجتمع وتنمية البيئة بكليه التمريض جامعه ٦ اكتوبر برئاسة ا.د ثريا رمضان وكيل الكليه لشؤون المجتمع والبيئة
The Department of Community Health Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, 6th of October University, organized a visit to the Secondary Pr
The College of Nursing made an introductory tour for the first-level students to get acquainted with the services provided by the C
Under the auspices of Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty, organized the community service and environmental development sector unde
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah El Sharkawy, Dean of the College, Dr. Teresa Khalifa, Director of the Youth Welfare Committee,
Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Assistant pro.D. Yusra Abdeslam, Director of
As part of the implementation of the cultural plan for the academic year 2021-2022, the Department of Psychological Nursing and Me
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawy, Dean of the College, the Crisis and Disaster Committee at the College of Nursing or
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, the Quality Unit at the College of Nursing organized an awarene
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Sabah Al-Sharqawi, Dean of the College, the Youth Welfare Unit, led by Dr. Teresa Khalifa, head of the
The Quality Assurance Unit at the College of Nursing organized a workshop for faculty members and the supporting staff in the coll
The College of Nursing held a lecture organized by the Education Development Center in the college under the title of international publis
The Faculty of Nursing, October 6 University, held a lecture organized by the Quality Unit in the faculty on Monday, 14/6/2021, to raise a