مشاركة مصرية بارزة في مؤتمر دولي لتمكين المرأة بالهند شاركت الدكتورة غدير المياح، المدرس بقسم علم النفس التربوي بكلية التربية
زيارة كلية التربيه لمركز زايد الطبى لذوى الهمم- النسور -التابع للقوات الجوية يوم الاحد الموافق ٢٣ فبراير ٢٠٢٥ تحت رعاية : ا.د/ هشا
رئيس الخبراء اليابانين بالمدارس المصرية اليابانية " كاواجويه طويوهيكو" في ضيافة كلية التربية جامعة ٦ اكتوبر في المؤتمر الطل
ت حت رعاية أ.د. ممدوح غراب رئيس جامعة 6 أكتوبر أ.د. إيمان العزيزي نائب رئيس الجامعة لشئون التعليم
في ظل إحتفال كلية التربية بقدوم شهر رمضان المبارك قامت أسرة صانعة البهجة تحت إشراف د. سارة عصام بتزيين الكلية و توزيع هدايا رمضان على
الاستعانة بخبراء كلية التربية جامعة ٦ اكتوبر في تدريب المعلمات بمحافظة اسوان وذلك من خلال تدريب معلمات الروضات بالجمعيات الأهلية بأسوان&n
الدكتور هشام عزمي رئيس الجهاز القومي للملكية الفكرية فى ضيافة كلية التربية - جامعة ٦ اكتوبر - فى المؤتمر الدولى السابع تحت عنوان
حيث أدى طالبات قسم رياض الأطفال الفرقه الثالثة الأعمال الفصليه الخاصه بمقرر" مسرح ودراما الطفل " بإبداع وأداء متميز بتصمي
في إطار التعاون المثمر والمستمر بين جامعة ٦ اكتوبر ومؤسسات الدولة العريقة، وتعزيزا لبث روح الانتماء والقيم في الأجيال الجديدة، نظمت كلية
المعلم المتميز وعصر الذكاء الاصطناعي في كلية التربية جامعة 6 أكتوبر تحت رعاية معالي أ. د. أحمد زكي بدر رئيس مجلس الأمناء
The Joy Maker of the Faculty of Education, 6th of October University extend Joy and Happiness to children during their visit to Hosp
فعاليات الزيارات الميدانية بكلية التربية جامعة ٦ اكتوبر وذلك للشعب المختلفه والتي قامت بها مديرة وحدة التربيه العملية دكتوره
وحدة التربيه العمليه بكلية التربيه جامعة ٦ اكتوبر والزيارات الميدانية بالمدارس المختلفه تحت رعاية الاستاذ الدكتور رقية شلبي عميد الكلي
مواهب علي مسرح الإبداع بكلية التربية جامعة ٦ اكتوبر تحت رعاية ا.د رقية شلبي عميدة كلية التربية، أسفرت مسابقة موا
Creativity and Innovation of the Faculty of Education Students at October 6 University Second-year (sophomores) special education de
Faculty of Education, 6th of October University: Teaching Practicum Unit and the Teacher's Code of Et
جامعة ٦ اكتوبر ترحب بالوفد الاندونيسى بكلية التربية حيث استقبلت جامعة ٦ اكتوبر امس الاحد الموافق ٣ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٤ الوفد ا
Under the Patronage of: Dr. Mamdouh Ghorab, President of 6th of October University, Dr. Iman El-Azezy, Vice President of the Universi
6th of October University's Faculty of Education Launches Community Service Initiative 6th of October Un
On a day filled with vitality, activity and joy, and within the fra
لقاء اللجنة التنظيمية لمؤتمر كلية التربية – جامعة 6 أكتوبر تحت عنوان: "المعلم المتميز ومستقبل جيل
Within the framework of progress follow-up of the educational process at the Faculty of Education, October 6 University, Dean Ruqaya Shala
The Faculty of Education, October 6 University, celebrated the anniversary of the glorious October War victory on an enthusiastic
تحت رعاية معالي الأستاذ الدكتور/ ممدوح غراب رئيس الجامعة معالى الأستاذ الدكتور/ إيمان ال
A video introduction to the various programs at the College of Education
بدء الدراسة فى الدلومة المهنية لإعداد معلمة الفصل الواحد
memorandum of understanding was signed between 6th of October University and Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University in Yogyakarta
فيديو تعريفي لقسم اللغة الإنجليزية
Announcement of registration for the Diploma in Preparing Refugee Teachers
The ninth star of the Faculty of Education, University of October 6, by obtaining accreditation from the National Authority for Qualit
The Conference on the Horizons of Human and Educational Studies in the Light of Sustainable Development 2030, Faculty of Educat
Dr. Jacqueline Jondot's Visit to the Faculty of Education
Exhibition of the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods for the second semester to display models of teaching practices, pr
Psychological first aid for exam anxiety
Psychological Aid Symposium for Exam Anxiety at the Faculty of Medicine
Annual Student Conference
Student Conference
Symposium entitled Positive Parental Education
The content of learning areas in kindergarten
Develop English pronunciation skills
English pronunciation skills development applications
The easiest ways of expression and methods of teaching it
Common language errors and how to fix them
Completion of the achievement file as an indicator for student assessment in practical education
Horizons for Pedagogy and the Humanities in the light of Egypt Sustainablity Plan 2030
The Practical Education Unit announces a workshop entitled Planning and prepari
The Practical Education Unit announces a workshop entitled Developmental characteristics and behavioral problems of students
The fourth seminar of the Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods, which presents two master’s research plans and a
The Psychological Guidance and Counseling Unit announces a workshop entitled "Psychological First Aid"
The Psychological Guidance and Counseling Unit announces a workshop entitled “Proper Education Methods”.
The Psychological Guidance and Counseling Unit announces a workshop entitled Autism Disorder
The Psychological Guidance and Counseling Unit
Literary symposium report
Workshop entitled Emotional intelligence and success in life
Teacher Training Day at the Faculty of Education, English Department, O6U
Effective Presentation Workshop
book i like
Workshop (Effective Communication Skills)
Attending the conference on the future of countries and development ambassadors Dr. Mai Al-Saeed and Dr. Sahar O
Education first initiative
cyber crime seminar
A workshop on learning difficulties and low academic achievement among university students
A workshop entitled “Professional Conflict Management” organized by the Psychological Guidance and Counseling Unit
Research Ethics Research Ethics Workshop
Celebrating Mother's Day in Dar Al-Yasmeen under the auspices of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods
perfect student competition 2021/2022
Discussion of the master’s thesis by researcher Nour Al-Huda Ali Muhammad Ahmed in the Department of Curricula and Teaching Me
Discussion of a doctoral thesis in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, majoring in English
Hosted by the Biannual Seminar of the English Department, Dr Asmaa Sharaf gave a wonderful presentation on Nathaniel Hawthorne's vis
Announcing the cycle of crises and disasters Crisis and disaster cycle report
Dr Ghada Alakhdar, Head of the English Department, receives a certificate of appreciation for her contribution to empo
The Faculty of Education launches the exclusive program, "Refugee Teac
Report on the Teaching Skills Workshop Teaching skills seminar
Report on the Anti-Corruption Workshop anti corruption pictures
Sponsered by Prof. Gamal Samy the presedent of the University, Prof. Ali Abdel Aziz, Vice President of Graduate Studies and Research,
Announcement of Covid 19 session a report on Covid mutation Delta
Academic Advising Course Report on the Academic Advising Course
Report on the Art Forum
Report of the College of Education exhibition (for means, fees, and paintings for college students) first semester, academic year 20212022
Time management workshop photos of the workshop
"Public invitation to attend a workshop" Preparing a Literacy Teacher
تنظم كلية التربية بمشيئة الله حفل استقبال الطلاب الجدد يوم الاحد 10 أكتوبر 2021م في تمام الساعة 10 صـ&
Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy, President of October 6 University, Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Latif, Secretary General of t
Under the auspices of professor Iman Al-Azizi, Vice President of Education and Student Affairs and acting Dean of the faculty of Education;
The faculty of Education celebrated the World Mental Health Day on Saturday 10/10/2020. Prof.Fatmta Barakat,the Vice President of the Facul
Announces the opening of registration for the General Diploma in Education, the Teacher Path until 15/10/2020 for the academic year 2020/2
A part of the sterilization procedures of the Faculty of Education - University of October 6 In light of the ongoing precautionary measur
The Faculty of Education, Under the Patronage of Prof. Dr. Saeed Khalil, Dean of the Faculty, Launched an Initiative Entitled &
In light of the executive plan of students' activities of kindergarten department, a forum on " types of env
The Faculty of Education organized a session on (November 5, 2019) entitled (Art and the memory of October Victories). Artists w
Advertisement Arabic Handwriting Improvement Course (Free Course) The Handwriting expert, Mr. Mohamed Al-Rowad Daily from 3 - 5
The Faculty of Education announces the holding of an introductory symposium entitled Tonkatsu (Japanese-style education) in cooper
In accordance with the agreement of academic cooperation between Helwan University and October 6 University, the d
Discussion of Scientific Theses M.Sc of Mr. Ahmed Shaban El Azab Abd Gawad In accordance with the agreement of academic cooperatio
The Faculty of Education organized its fifth international conference and the eighth for the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) ent
Student Group Tofoletna organized a trip to the pyramids and the Egyptian museum on Monday 11/2/ 2019. A tour guide has also explained the
The Department of Special Education at the Faculty of Education headed by Dr. Fatma Barakat has organized its third festival in a row
The Training Center for Continued Education at the Faculty of Education, October 6 University announces a Training of Trainer
Student Group Tofolitna headed by Dr. Ahlam Kotob , Early Childhood Department Chair has organized a musical event directed by pr
The Faculty of Education, October 6 University participated in a seminar on the evaluation of training portfolios with Helwan U
Tofolitna, student group organized a music competition on Thursday October 25, 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rania Mostafa P
Rashid Student Group under the leadership of Dr. Alaa El- Naggar, Vice Dean for Society and Environment Affairs initiated a cleaning
The Faculty of Education participated in the second medical convoy this semester that the university dispatched to Nikla Village and
Tofolitna, (Our Childhood) student group has organized a talk on Sunday October 21, 2018 entitled "How to Manage your Project.&
Rashid Student group headed by Dr. Alaa El- Naggar, Vice Dean for Social and Environment Affairs, organized a trip to Sokna on Satu
The Faculty of Education has effectively participated in the medical convoy that October 6 University has dispatched to Osman Buildi
The Faculty of Education has joined a marathon on October 30, 2018 aimed at supporting "Ahl Masr" Hospital for the free
Rashid Student group has organized a sports day for the Faculty of Education on Sunday October 1, 2018. The event was attended b
With the support of the Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. Salah El Din Khader, Faculty Council has approved the
Dr. Mohamed Farag, Director of TCCEC has successfully held a number of training courses listed below. These courses are offered duri
Prof Salah El Din Khader met the first level students to welcome them and define them the academic study. The meeting wa
October 6 University hosts its fourth international conference entitled "Education and the Arts: Developmental Prospects&q
Faculty of Education, October 6 University, represented by Prof. Dr. Salah El- Din Khedr, Dean of the Faculty, has signed a
The Faculty of Education training center for continuous Education has successfully completed a training program entitled "The B
The Faculty of Education Training Center for Continuous Education has successfully finished a Trainer of Trainers (TOT) course in th
Motivated by the perpetual support of His Excellency Prof. Ahmed Attia, University President, and the desire to actualize the &quo
The Faculty of Education at October 6 University intends to implement several training programs approved by the Vocational Academ
The Faculty of Education has organized an orientation day on Sunday September 24th at 10:30 in 4008. During this meeting Dr. Salah Kh
The Facu
An agreement of cooperation in the field of training and vocational development was signed on Monday 2/10/2017 with the Vocational A
The Faculty of Education, October 6 University, activated the agreement of academic cooperation for postgraduate studies between
The Faculty of Education announces the enrollment in the Higher Studies Program for the class of 2017- 2018 starting Sunday July 16
The Faculty of Education has organized a graduation ceremony for the class of 2016-2017 for the departments of Arabic and Islamic St
The Faculty of Education has signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation with "One Body Association" located i
The Faculty of Education's Center for Continued Education and Consultation organizes a number of professional workshops, programs
The Faculty of Education has organized a visit to the Children Cancer Hospital on Feb 28th, 2017 under supervision of Dr. Alaa El- N
Recommendations The Faculty of Education, 6 October University, has organized the third international conference entitled "The Futur
The English Department at the Faculty of Education has invited Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Jondot, Professor of English Literature at T
The Faculty of Education October 6 University has hosted and organized a conference entitled "The Future of Teacher's Preparat
El- Ghad El- Moushrik, a faculty group headed by Dr. Fatma Barakat, Psychology Department Chair, organized Mother's Day event fo
"Qosn El- Zeiton," (Olive Branch) a student group headed by Dr. Mai El- Saied in The Faculty of Education has organiz
The Faculty of Education has celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in an event held on December 5th entitle
Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Jondot, Professor of English Literature at Toulouse University had addressed the Faculty and students of the Eng
Prof. Salah Eldin Kheidr, Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Vice Deans of the Faculty Congratulate the students on the new a
"Creativity and the Dialogue of Cultures" Conference was called to order this morning at 10 am on April 3, 2016. It
The Faculty of Education organized a trip to Sharm El-Sheikh from 15-19 Feb 2016. Dr. Alaa El- Naggar and Dr. Badr Ahmed Saad
Al-Rasheed Family organized a seminar entitled "Outdoors is in service of the Environment and the Community" on Sunday 6/3
Al-Rasheed Family of the Faculty of Education organized a session entitled "Editing Official Correspondence" for Egyptian an
Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Jondot, Professor of English Literature at Toulouse University in France, addresses students of the English
Dr. Dalia Basiouny, Assistant Professor of Theatre in the English Department, addressed an excited crowd of professors and students on th
The Faculty of Education organized an educational visit to the Library to let students be acquainted with its sections and utilitie
Faculty of Education Dean Prof. Salah Eddin Khedr, Prof. Dr. Sally Hanna Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Dr. Mohamed A
"Our Childhood "family organizes a trip to the Puppet Theatre at El-Ataba to watch the theatrical show "Abu Ali",
Faculty of Education Dean Prof. / Salah Eddin Khedr, Prof./ Sally Hanna, Vice Dean for Education and students' Affairs, Prof./
The Faculty of Education cordially invites you to attend a lecture entitled "Contemporary Art and Literature in Egypt" on
Sports Committee organized a Sports Festival. Students took part in the Football Tournament along with students from other Faculties. These
Faculty of Education Students paid a visit to the Central Library on Sunday 19 / 10 / 2014 to know the most important physical and educ
Professor Dr. Salah Eldin Khedr, Dean of the Faculty of Education, held a seminar, celebrating the new academic year on Sunday 12/10/2014.
The Faculty of Education represented in Prof. Dr. Salah el- Din Kedr, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Sally Michael Hanna, Associate
- Professor Salahuddin Khedr Dean of the Faculty of Education and Chairman of the Quality Assurance Unit, Assistant Professor Sally Hanna,
Dr Rania Abdel- Baky Ali Allam lecturer of linguistics and translation participated in the Nile Tesol Conference with a paper entitled” The
On the evening of May 13th, Dr. Dalia Basiouny, Adjunct Associate Professor of Drama and Criticism at October 6 University, has delivered a
Dr. Jacqueline JONDOT, Professor of English at the University of Toulouse has visited 6 October University on March, 2014. She has delivered
Dr. Sally Michael Hanna has been invited to participate in Incoci Di Civilta, a festival of Civilizations, organized and hosted by
Dr. Sally Michael Hanna, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education and Chair of the English Department, delivers a talk on “Haiku and Afro-
Dr. Jackeline Jondot, Professor of English Literature at the University of Toulouse delivers her second talk in a row on Graffiti and the
Dr. Sally Michael Hanna delivers a talk entitled “Arab American Women Literature in the 20th Century. The talk deals with the concept of
Dr. Justin Kolb, Assistant Professor of English Literature in the American University in Cairo, has delivered a talk entitled “Shakespeare
Revolutionary Theatre after January 2011 A Talk Delivered by Dr. Dalia Basiouny Dr. Dalia Basiouny has graciously delivered a talk on
Dr. Sally Michael Hanna has given a talk entitled War, Death and what Remains in the Poetry of Joy Harjo.” Talk was delivered in a
Dr. Carol Rippenburg On Thursday November 29, Dr. Carol Rippenburg visited the Faculty of Education, October 6 University. Dr. Carol J.
Dr. Sally Michael Hanna, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, has participated in Indus (Indo Global Education Summit) as a
Dr. Sally Michael Hanna, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, has presented a paper entitled “Reading Haikuography as Racial
Dr. Sally Michael Hanna, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, has presented a paper entitled “Tahrir 2011: A Spectacle of Solidarity”