"Sustainability in Literature, Language and Translation:
Cultural Vistas"
The conference was held under the auspices of:
Prof. Dr. Gamal Samy Ali , President of October 6 University
In the presence of:
Prof. Dr. Iman Al-Azizi, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and Acting Vice President President of the University for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
And Prof. Dr. Hisham Kamel Abdel Latif, Vice President for Community Service and Development environment
· Conference President: Prof. Mona Ahmed Al-Halawani, Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation – October 6 University
· Rapporteur of the Conference: Dr. Abdel Karim Qutb Shehata Assistant Professor and Acting Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research • Conference Date: Monday, November 21, 2022 • Conference Venue: October 6 University
Conference Objectives:
1- Supporting scientific and academic research in the fields of literature, language and translation
2- Encouraging researchers to study environmental issues and sustainability topics in literature and language & Translation
3- Standing on the latest research trends in the field of literature, language and environmental translation
4- Discuss common visions between different languages and literatures 5- Linking the sustainable development goals with the topics of literature, language and translation in the language departments Participant in the conference
6- Highlighting the role of October 6 University and the Faculty of Languages and Translation in promoting scientific research
Conference Axes
Literature Depictions of the environment in literature
Environmental criticism and children's literature
Indigenous Studies and Environmental Literature Animals and non- Environmental movements in literature
Addressing tensions between sustainability and development through literature
Climate change and the migration of animals and plants in literature Language & Translation
Preservation of minority languages Sustainability Speeches Linguistic Discourse Analysis and Sustainability
Environmental Translation techniques and sustainability
Translation and heritage preservation
Translation Policies and Sustainability
Sustainability in Translated Literature
Number of conference sessions: 7 sessions two sessions to discuss English language research and 1 session each: German, Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic In addition to the opening session and the closing session –
The number of conference research papers is 28 research papers in 6 languages English 7, German 3, Spanish 4, French 6, Chinese 4 and Arabic Language Research 4 •
Conference Sessions:
Opening Session
The opening session was held in the VIP Hall, where the conference was honored in the presence of Prof. Dr. Iman Al-Azizi, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and Acting Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, as well as Prof. Dr. Hisham Kamel Abdel Latif, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service. Where each of the professors, vice presidents of the university and the dean of the faculty addressed the words of the attendees.
Conference Keynote Speaker . The main speaker of the conference, Prof. Mustafa Riad, Professor of English Literature Emeritus, Ain Shams University, gave a lecture entitled, Sustainability: New Horizons in Translation Studies Videoconference from London.
Then Mr. George Equirt, Regional Director of the English Score Program in the Middle East, gave a speech entitled "Artificial Intelligence and its relationship to language and international tests" from London and via video conference technology, and his speech was commented by Mr. Ahmed Ali Ismail - Director of the English Score Program at the British Cultural Center in Cairo.
Research Sessions
After the break and hospitality, the researchers from the conference guests and the faculty of the college spread to present and discuss twenty research papers in six languages English, German, Spanish, French and Chinese in addition to Arabic.
The conference was celebrated with many important figures in the field of literature and language, including in addition to the main speaker, Prof. Dr. Maha Mohamed Hosni, Professor of English Literature and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Prof. Dr. Omaima Ghanem, Professor of Chinese Language, Ain Shams University and former Egyptian Cultural Counselor in China, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Salam, Professor of English Literature and former Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University, as well as Prof. Dr. Sayed Fathi Khater, Professor of German at Al-Azhar University and former Dean, all chaired research sessions in their specialties.
Monday 21st of November, 2022
Session I (1:15 PM to 3:00 PM) Room: 2137
Chair: Prof. Maha Hosny (Helwan University)
Title of Presentation
Dr. Mona Alaa El-Deen
Translation as Modern Rewriting of Islamic Ideology in'Marginalia of the Prophet's Biography'
Assist. Prof. Gehan Ibrahim Al-Sayed
An Ecocritical Study of Selected Stories from the Green Library Series for Children
Assist. Prof. Marwa Esam El-Deen Fahmy
Hayao MiyaZaki'sPonyo on the Cliff by the Sea (2008): A Cli-fi Reading of Japanese Anime
Session I (1:15 PM to 3:00 PM) Room: 2248
Chair: Prof. Ahmed Abdulsalam (Al-Fayoum University)
Title of Presentation
Dr. Mohammed Saleh Hammad
Slam Poetry as Counterpublic of Insiderism in Selected Slam Poems from Different Social and Political Backgrounds
Dr. Mai Soliman
An Islamic Ecofeminist Reading of Leila Aboulela'sBird Summons
Dr. Nahed Mohammed
A Cultural Ecological Reading of Interconnectedness in Mahmoud Darwish'sThe Second Olive Tree
Assist. Prof. AbdulkareemQutbShehata
Love Relation and Cultural Identity in AbdulrazakGuanah's Novel Desertion
Monday 21st of November, 2022
Session I (1:15 PM to 3:00 PM) Room: 2234
Chair: Dr. Sayed Fathy(Al-Azhar University)
Title of Presentation
Dr. Ezzat Abdullah Ali
ZumBegriff "Wahrnehmung" im Bereich der modernen deutschen Reiseliteratur
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed AhmedQasem
Ein linguistischer Vergleich zwischen Doucers Zeichentheorie und der sprachlichen Bedeutung von Zeichen bei den alten arabischen Linguisten
Mr. Abdulkhaliq Mohamed Abdulkhaliq
Das Phänomen der Verben mit gegensätzlicher Bedeutung im Arabischen
Monday 21st of November, 2022
Session I (1:15 PM to 3:00 PM) Room: 2235
Chair: Assist. Prof. Marwa Mohammed (October 6 University)
Title of Presentation
Assist. Prof. Ali AbdelLatif
La traducción como acción cultural
Dr. Shaimaa Magdy Maarouf
Metaliteraria de los Conejos en La carta a una señorita en París
Assist. Lect. Mohammed Nagy Moaaz
La novela como un atlas de la ciudad moderna: La región más transparente de Carlos Fuentes y El Cairo Nuevo de NaguibMahfouz como prototipo
Assist. Lect. QuesmaNaser Mahmoud
Análisiscontrastivo del lenguaje no verbal en la serieGran hotel
Monday 21st of November, 2022
Session I (1:15 PM to 3:00 PM) Room: 2137
Chair: Assoc. Prof. EmanFarhat (Al-Azhar University)
Title of Presentation
Assist. Prof. Zainab Hasan
Le rôle de la traduction dans le dialogue des civilisations
Dr. Nashwa El-Dakak
La langue et la traduction comme processus du transfert culturel : Réflexion critique sur le nectar cacheté -Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum- Biographie du prophète Muhammed (SAW)
Dr. Reham Nagy
Place du plurilinguisme dans le développement durable
Dr. Huda Nour El-Deen Mohammed
La traduction : pour une communication interculturelle
Dr. NesreenTahaAbdulghany
La figure de la mer dans trois nouvelles de J.M.G. Le Clézio : “Mondo”, “Lullaby”, et “celui qui n’avait jamais vu la mer”, parues dans son recueil de nouvelles, “Mondo et autres histoires” une interprétation écocritique
Dr. RashaElanany
La quête de la littérature en écologie à travers “L’humanité en péril” de Fred Vergas
Monday 21st of November, 2022
Session I (1:15 PM to 3:30 PM) Room: 2236
Chair: Prof. OmaimaGhanemZidan (Ain Shams University)
Title of Presentation
Shao Yu
A study on the meaning of yi bu zi in< shuowenjiezi> from the
perspective of cultural linguistics
Huang Hui Ying
Teaching Chinese Metaphorical Words to foreign students’ research——Take HSK Standard Course 5 as an example
Rong Xiao Di
A Study on the Chinese Learning Motivation of Turkmen Preparatory Students
Assist. Lect. Mai Ali Ibrahem
Abbreviations and Simultaneous Translation in Chinese language
Department of Arabic Language and Literature
Arabic Session
Monday 21st of November, 2022
Session I (1:15 PM to 3:00 PM) Room: 2244
Chair: Assist. Prof. Nasr Fathy (Al-Azhar University)
Title of Presentation
Dr. Farag Alaam
Lamentation of animals in the poetry of the Abbasid era from the perspective of literature and psychology
Dr. Amani hafez
The role of translation in the emergence of the modern Arabic novel A novel (The Locations of the Astronomers in the Chronicle of Telemak) by Rifaa Al-Tahtawi as a Model
Dr. Mostafa orabi
Textual Proficiency Standards for Arabic-speaking Foreign Language Specialists in the Light of Textual Linguistics.
أAssisti Prof. Nasr Fathy
What was weak in the eyes of grammarians without factors A look at the reasoning
Closing Session
The closing session was held at three o'clock in the afternoon, where Prof. Mona Ahmed Al-Halawani read the final statement of the conference, which included the results and recommendations of the conference, thanked the researchers and honored the guests and the organizing committee. The participants in the conference expressed their happiness with the attendance and the success of organizing the conference, thanked the organizing committee and expressed their desire to return to October 6 University in future conferences.
Conference Outcomes:
1- Standing on the latest research trends in the field of literature, language and environmental translation
2- Discussing common visions between different languages and literatures
3- Linking the sustainable development goals with the topics of literature, language and translation in the language departments
4- Highlighting the role of October 6 University and the Faculty of Languages and Translation in promoting scientific research
Conference Recommendations:
The conference participants recommended the following:
1- Continuing to support scientific and academic research in the fields of literature, language and translation
2- Encouraging researchers to study environmental issues and sustainability topics in literature and language & Translation
Assoc. Prof. Abdel Karim Qutb Shehata Prof. Mona Ahmed Al-Halawani
Acting Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Dean of the Faculty
Conference Rapporteur President of the Conference