The Inauguration of the New Computer Aided Drug Design And Molecular Modeling (CADD-MM) Unit

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  On Sunday the 5th of June 2016, the inauguration of the new Computer Aided Drug Design and Molecular Modeling Unit (CADD-MM) of the Faculty of Pharmacy, O6U took place under the auspices of the University President Prof. Dr. Ahmed Attia Seida and the Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Koheil,the ceremony was attended by the University Vice President prof.dr. Aly Talaat and the faculty staff  members .Prof .Dr. Farghaly Omar, Head of the CADD-MM Unit and Head of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department received the respectable guests and gave a presentation on the role of the unit for students and researchers as well as pharmacists and physicians .He explained that they will be trained on how to design 2D and3D molecular structures that are pharmacologically active and use certain programs to predict their effects and improve it or decrease their side effects .The unit will also give certified courses for those who are willing to join . Schedules will be announced later.