Summer field training mechanism for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University - October 6
1. Educate students by the Quality Assurance Unit of the importance of field training over the summer and take advantage of it desired.
2. Announcement schedule free training courses for students as a graduation requirement.
3. Announcement Distribution schedule students to faculty members within the college of supervisors for the academic year.
4. Investigate the preparation of scale to assess the trainee field training during the summer to measure the effectiveness of summer field training and distributed to the students of the fifth.
5. At the end of the training faculty supervisors of the students to conduct an assessment of the skills acquired and the information for each student.
6. Communicate with the training to follow the performance of the students during the summer field training and to ensure that they gain the capacity and skills of the targeted training through the letters from the Department of the College represented in the Dean and Vice Dean for learning, and students and faculty supervision.
7. The student to deliver both :
1- Gradient scale to assess the trainee during the summer field training.
2- Delivery of field research and spend it the supervisor in charge of the faculty members on the research and discussion of the student and hosted Based on (Evaluation Form).
3- A copy of the certificates of training sessions held at the Faculty of Pharmacy - October 6 University (50 hours).
4- A copy of the certification to the effect that the student was trained in the Pharmacy Foundation of Foreign Affairs (400) hours.
8- Investigate scale gradient analysis to assess the trainee field training during the summer and prepare feedback to measure the effectiveness of summer field training based on the results of the analysis of the scale and investigate these views are included in the annual report of the program and in the improvement plans and report it in the program.
9- Characterized by the College of Pharmacy, October 6 University community turned out significantly from the Egyptian students from the governorates of Egypt in addition to international students , so careful management of the college to pursue summer internship program for these students through the signing of several agreements with institutional pharmacy , which is characterized by the availability of branches in all the provinces of Arab Republic of Egypt to provide training opportunities , including summer field :
United Company for Pharmacists.
United Company for Distribution.
Middle East Company for Chemicals.
Future Pharma Company.
Multi Pharma Company.
Children's Cancer Hospital 57357.
group Pharmacies Ezabi.
And so through the mechanism of selection of candidates by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the training institutions in the pharmacy to the weight of his skills in dealing with the labor market.
Mechanism of choice for students nominated by the Faculty of Pharmacy - University Oct 6 -
For training in various areas of the labor market.
1- The student to be academically distinguished.
2- Be a student of the activities of practitioners.
3- Recommendation of the faculty member who supervises the student based on his assessment of the performance.
4- The student does not run twice through college to give opportunities to the largest possible number of students.
Training to be a place close to the residence of the student