News:The Faculty of Economics and Management organized a seminar entitled "Egypt's Foreign Policy Towards Supporting Arab Causes"

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  The Faculty of Economics and Management organized a seminar entitled "Egypt's Foreign Policy Towards Supporting Arab Causes" on Monday, February 27, 2023., at 11 o'clock, Auditorium  4310Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim Political Liaison Officer, Office of the Minister of Planning At the invitation of Prof. Dr. Tariq Hammad Dean of the College-Prof. Suzi Rashad, Community Service Vice Dean-Prof. Ghozlan Mahmoud Head of Department

"To discuss Egypt's vital role towards Arab countries throughout history and Egypt's active positions towards Arab issues, starting with the Palestinian issue through the issue of Syria, Libya and Yemen, and supporting the Arab countries' confrontation with terrorism, environment and development issues " This  is in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4.