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work fields for political science department

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 Fields of work for the graduate of the Department of Political Science

1. Ministries and political institutions of the state, such as parliament, executive,legislative, local and various public administration organizations.
2. Work in the field of political education and education on human rights and citizenship.
3. Work in regional organizations such as the Arab League, international organizations such as the United Nations, multinational corporations, and others.
4. Diplomatic work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and consular work.
5- Political analysis sections in think tanks, research centers, political, strategic and diplomatic studies.
6. Trade union work, lobby groups and various lobby groups.
7. Work in the fields of political education, awareness, training and the formation of political cadres.
8. Centers for measuring public opinion and political communication studies.
9. Sections of political analysis in media, press and satellite organizations.
10. Human rights organizations and human rights centers ...
11. Political work in political parties, campaign management and political marketing