جراحة الفم والتخدير وتشمل:
1. جراحة الفم ويشمل جراحة الوجه والفك.
2. التخدير الموضعى.
3. التخدير العام.
Oral Surgery and anaesthesia (OSG 411,422,513,524)
The course of oral surgery includes minor oral and maxillofacial surgery. Various methods and types of local anesthesia are discussed with related relevant topics of human anatomy. Students have to deal with pain evoked during surgical treatment and are able to apply basic scientific knowledge of pain pathway. Different techniques of exodontias and possible complications are considered.
The clinical course includes training the dental student in order to achieve proper anesthetic technique. The student is allowed to perform infiltration and nerve block anesthesia under supervision.
Clinical course deals with different approaches of exodontias. The student has the opportunity to manage some complications encountered in dental clinic.
Fifth year students are exposed to various surgical approaches for impacted teeth. The course includes surgical management of various pathological oral lesions. Emphasis is placed on phases of oral and maxillofacial surgery and general anesthesia. Dental students attend demonstrations on chair side in order to apply the basic scientific knowledge of oral surgery. In clinical session, recent advances in oral surgery are applied. Students are rotated to the oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic in block assignments for progressive participation in oral surgical procedures.
The course comprises a two-hour lecture and two hours of clinical sessions weekly.