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لجنة التدريب والدعم الفني

Procedures for Handling Student Complaints

1.      The complaining student shall consult with the academic advisor. The academic councilor shall promptly consult with the department chair, or the dean if necessary.

2.      If resolution is not possible, the student shall file a written complaint to the Faculty Complaints Box.

3.      The Committee for Student Complaints and Suggestions periodically reviews the complaints in accordance with an official report provided that the student grievant be notified with the procedures taken.

4.      In case of complaints related to university facilities, the student shall write a signed complaint and file it to the Faculty Complaints Box.

5.      The Vice President for Education and Student Affairs weekly examines and reviews the complaints and suggestions in order to appropriately take suitable actions.

6.      The complaints are taken into consideration for further improvement of the faculty’s educational programs.

Procedures for the Resolution of Academic Complaints

1.      Student complaints are analyzed and handled provided asking for the reference of the concerned/specialized department or administration.

2.      The dean of the faculty and the committee chairperson should take the appropriate corrective actions and file them to the academic coordinator to eliminate the conduct complained of and take action.

3.      Within 5 calendar days, the grievant student shall be notified of the University's decision in resolving the grievance. In case the approval of the Faculty Board is required, the student should be notified of the approved recommended measures taken for solving the issue.

4.      By the end of each academic year, the complaints of the four academic years along with the procedures taken are compiled in a report that shall be filed to the Internal Review Committee in the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit. This report shall be considered for guidance in further functional improvement of the faculty’s educational policies.

The Organizational Structure of the Committee for Student Complaints and Suggestions

Members of the Committee:

Prof. Mona Ahmed el-Halawany

Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation

Dr. Gehan M. Anwar Deeb

Manager of the Quality Assurance Unit - Faculty of Languages and Translation

Mr. Mohamed Saleh Hammad

Assistant Lecturer - Faculty of Languages and Translation






Dean of the Faculty ofLanguages and Translation


 Prof. Mona Ahmed al-Halawany





Date of Approval: 27/8/2013



Petition mechanism for transfer between departments