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Mission, Vision and Objectives


The Graduate Follow-up Committee at the Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation aims to identify the needs of both the students and the graduates in order to develop their skills and abilities and prepare them well for the labor market. The committee seeks to enhance the different communication channels with its graduates and to reduce the problem of unemployment.


The Graduate Follow-up Committee at the Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation seeks to improve the performance of students and graduates, raising their competencies, develop their abilities and skills, create channels for continuous communication with the graduates and follow up their performance through building communication channels with employers.


1- Motivating graduates and students expected to graduate to participate in the different programs and courses offered by the Center of Excellence (COE).
2- Establishing effective communication channels between the faculty and its various departments and graduates in order to achieve continuous alignment between learning outcomes and labor market requirements.
3- Communicating with various employment agencies in order to introduce them to the graduate’s specifications, learning about new labor market needs and then helping the graduates to find a suitable job. 
4- Enhancing the competitiveness abilities of the graduates in all fields of specialization in the faculty.
5- Creating a database of graduates to help companies and institutions find the appropriate graduate easily and conveniently.
6- Develop training programs for the graduates to develop their skills in the best way that can serve need of the labor market.
7- Organizing a Career day annually, to which all students are invited to attend in order to meet graduates and learn about their experiences with the labor market.