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Speech of the Director of the Quality Assurance Unit

The world has witnessed rapid progress in all fields, leading to increased competition among educational and research institutions. Traditional education is no longer the desired or ultimate goal. The quantity of knowledge alone is no more the sole measure of the quality of a graduate. Means of education, self-directed learning, self-improvement, competition, collaboration, enhancement, continuous development, problem-solving ability have become the standards by which a graduate's capabilities in the job market are measured.

Based on this, the quality of the educational and research process has become one of the most important challenges facing higher education, to confront the immense challenges in the era of knowledge explosion, and to provide the best and gain the trust of the local, regional, and international community in the quality of its educational outcomes. Therefore, the decision to establish a quality assurance unit at the Faculty of Languages and Translation is a practical reflection of the faculty’s interest in achieving the highest quality standards in the field of language teaching and learning, and translation. Also, one of the main targets is to develop effective and organized action plans to ensure achieving competitive levels, to reach the accreditation and prepare a graduate who is capable of keeping up with highly competitive abilities in the labor market.


Dr. Mohammed Saleh Hammad

Director of Quality Assurance Unit